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  Avira SafeThings Protection Cloud
Posted by: mrtrout - 02-24-2018 , 09:58 AM - Forum: Video Reviews - No Replies

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIBULwyD_Lg        Avira SafeThings Protection Cloud™ - the security solution of tomorrow       
Published on Feb 22, 2018
Avira SafeThings™ transforms routers into home protectors, supporting user privacy and placing IoT devices beyond the reach of hackers. It secures your customers’ connected home at the best possible place — where it meets the Internet. It uses Artificial Intelligence to learn devices’ behavior, block vulnerabilities, guard against IoT attacks and protect privacy.

The Protection Cloud is the intelligent core of the system. Artificial Intelligence is used to learn normal activity, classify usage patterns, detect anomalies, and automatically take best action for security, privacy, and normal functionality of connected devices.

More information: https://safethings.avira.com/
Science & Technology
Standard YouTube License

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  Insider Tales: The Stolen Venus 2
Posted by: longin - 02-24-2018 , 09:19 AM - Forum: Game Giveaway of the Day - No Replies

[Image: 2vBn3C4.jpg]

Help Francesca find the masterpiece and convict the culprit!
A world-renowned painting has been stolen! Help Francesca find the masterpiece and convict the culprit! The luxury cruise ship, The Empire, is boarded by rich tourists, a world-renowned art-exhibition, and a thief. Soon the highlight of the exhibition is stolen and Francesca di Porta, the famous detective, is disturbed in her well-earned holiday to investigate undercover and prevent a panic among the passengers in Insider Tales: The Stolen Venus 2! Solve the case using your Hidden Object talents.

[Image: yWnYh98.jpg]

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  Backup4all Lite 7.1.313
Posted by: ahmed - 02-24-2018 , 09:02 AM - Forum: Giveaway of the day - Replies (3)

[Image: dyaZXBM.jpg]

Backup4all is an award-winning data backup software for Windows. This backup utility was designed to protect your valuable data from partial or total loss by automating backup tasks, password protecting and compressing it to save storage space. This backup application is feature rich and offers an intuitive interface making all features easily accessible for both beginners and professionals.

With Backup4all Lite you can easily backup to multiple destinations:

  • Local: back-up to DVD, CD, Blu-ray, HD-DVD, or other removable media (such as USB drives).With Backup4all Lite you can easily backup to multiple destinations:
  • Local: back-up to DVD, CD, Blu-ray, HD-DVD, or other removable media (such as USB drives).
  • Network: back-up to network destinations (including mapped network drives)
  • Network: back-up to network destinations (including mapped network drives)

To activate the license, follow the instructions in the readme.txt file

Giveaway Page:


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  cyberghostvpn 7 days free trial
Posted by: Bronwen - 02-24-2018 , 08:55 AM - Forum: External Giveaways/Contests - No Replies


[Image: xpzEvqu.jpg]

Download from here : https://www.cyberghostvpn.com/en_US/apps...oad/latest

Note:-Do not attempt to login during your trial period

         because you're going to lose it.


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  NPM update changes critical Linux filesystem permissions, breaks everything
Posted by: mrtrout - 02-24-2018 , 06:18 AM - Forum: Security News - No Replies

https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2018/02...FeedBurner       NPM update changes critical Linux filesystem permissions, breaks everything
23 FEB 2018  
Vulnerability     by Paul Ducklin
You’ve probably heard of JavaScript.

It was invented as a programming language, for use in web pages, that would run not on your web server but inside every web visitor’s browser.

Unlike traditional program downloads, with a pop-up dialog and an “Are you sure” button, JavaScript is shovelled straight into your browser and, by default, runs automatically without asking.

Website features we take for granted these days – pull-down menus, pop-up forms, animated image transitions, clickable icons, and much more – are all achieved thanks to browser-side JavaScript.

Of course, this means that even though JavaScript is a fully-featured, general-purpose language, it can’t be used for just any old thing while you are browsing.

The power of JavaScript is carefully limited by the browser, to reduce the rather obvious risks of running program code that arrived in a web page from “out there somewhere”.

For example, JavaScript programs in your browser generally can’t reach out into other tabs, can’t start or stop other programs, can’t access files on your hard disk, can’t read the registry, can’t scan the network, can’t sniff around in memory.   

But JavaScript became so well-known and widely-loved – as coding languages go, it is clean, expressive and powerful – that it has turned into a server-side programming language, too.

Thanks to a project called Node.js, JavaScript has now joined popular server-side languages such as PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby and Java (which is unrelated to JavaScript, by the way) as a coding platform for building complex systems.

Unlike browser JavaScript, Node.js is augmented by add-on toolkits to do just about anything you can think of: manage processes, run servers, read local files and databases, control the network, perform cryptographic calculations, transcode images and videos, recognise faces, you name it.

The careful restrictions imposed on JavaScript inside the browser are unnecessary – indeed, are a hindrance – when you’re writing a full-blown application using Node.js.

More power means more complexity
All these add-on capabilities come with a price: complexity.

For example, let’s say you want to use Node.js to program face recognition into your website’s login system, and you decide to use the ready-made library called facenet, a “deep convolutional network designed by Google, trained to solve face verification, recognition and clustering problem with efficiently at scale.” [Sic. Let’s hope the code has fewer errors per line than that short quote.]

Well, facenet itself needs a bunch of additional add-ons, namely: @types/ndarray, argparse, blessed, blessed-contrib, brolog, canvas, chinese-whispers, glob, mkdirp, printf, python-bridge, rimraf, tar, and update-notifier.

So far, so good, but these dependencies have their own needs: chinese-whispers, for example, needs jsnetworkx, knuth-shuffle and numjs.

And so it goes: jsnetworkx needs babel-runtime, lodash, through and tiny-sprintf; and babel-runtime in turn needs regenerator-runtime.

The good news is that when you adopt Node.js for programming, you also get NPM, the Node Package Manager, which sorts out all these dependencies for you.

Automatically. From all over the internet.

The bad news, of course, is that when you adopt Node.js for programming, you also get NPM, the Node Package Manager, which sorts out all these dependencies for you.

Automatically. From all over the internet.

You may find you can write a five-line JavaScript program that is elegantly simple, but only if your Node Package Manager drags in tens or even hundreds of thousands of lines of other people’s software.

Automatically. From all over the internet.

And keeps it updated, automatically, from all over the internet.

Awash in other people’s code
Simply put, your graceful five-line JavaScript program, behind the scenes, is a hodge-podge of directories and files awash with other people’s code that you couldn’t easily keep track of yourself even if you wanted to, all of it kept afloat automatically by a pacakage management toolkit that is about as complex as the auto-updating system built into the operating system itself, yet not integrated with it or even built in collaboration with it.

(If the previous paragraph seems rather long and breathless, please treat that as a metaphor.)

Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, a recent update to the Node Package Manager introduced a bug that caused it to interfere with the operating system, by incorrectly changing the file permissions of a raft of important system directories that should have been left well alone.

In other words, you had to give NPM operating system superpowers to keep your Node.js world in order; while doing so, NPM mis-used these superpowers to throw your operating system into disarray by locking the system itself out of numerous mission-critical files:

I found that a selection of directories in / were owned by a non-root user after running sudo npm and many binaries in /usr/bin stopped working as their permissions were changed. People experiencing this bug will likely have to fully reinstall their system due to this update.

What to do?
Keep backups that make a meaningful rollback easy. NPM has caused reliability disasters before, and given its vaguely anarchical nature, will cause them again.
Skip the 5.7.0 version of NPM. NPM version 5.7.1 is supposed to fix this bug.
Don’t autoupdate production or development servers. Prove the latest update in testing first.
Remember that simple software can be immensely complex. Keep that in mind when making time for testing (see 3).
There’s an adage that’s been applied to many “breakthroughs” in software engineering in the past few decades:

I’ve got a programming problem! I know, I’ll solve it using X. Oh, dear… now I’ve got two problems.

Technologies like Node.js and NPM are both a blessing (because they let you do complex things quickly), and a curse (because they solve the problem of “quickly”, not the problem of “complex”).

Plan accordingly, because those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

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  Bitcoin exchange founder charged with covering up hack
Posted by: mrtrout - 02-24-2018 , 06:16 AM - Forum: Security News - No Replies

https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2018/02...FeedBurner       Bitcoin exchange founder charged with covering up hack
23 FEB 2018  
Cryptocurrency, Law & order     by Lisa Vaas
It’s one thing to launch cryptocurrency businesses with programming weaknesses that lead to them getting hacked and hoovered.

But lying to the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) about it during sworn testimony, as you try to cover up the fact that all the Bitcoins have gone bye-bye?

Oh, dear – that’s a coin that will buy you nothing but trouble.

And those are the charges facing Jon Montroll, 37, of Saginaw, Texas, the operator of a now-defunct cryptocurrency investment platform who’s been charged with lying to cover the fact that hackers made off with more than 6,000 of his customers’ Bitcoins.

Montroll, also known as “Ukyo,” was charged with two counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice in a complaint unsealed by the office of Manhattan US Attorney Geoffrey Berman on Wednesday. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) also filed a lawsuit accusing Montroll of violating securities laws.

According to prosecutors, before Bitcoin shot up to nearly $20,000 in December, Montroll operated two online services: BitFunder.com facilitated buying and trading of virtual shares of businesses listed on its platform, while WeExchange Australia Pty. Ltd. served as a Bitcoin depository and currency exchange.

The Bitcoins belonging to users of both businesses were held in one, common account.

During 2013, one or more hackers exploited a vulnerability in BitFunder and credited their accounts with profits they never earned. They withdrew around 6,000 Bitcoins between 28 and 31 July 2013, which would now be worth more than $60m, according to prosecutors’ estimate. (For what it’s worth, according to the Coinbase exchange, Bitcoin was worth $10,165 and falling when I checked this morning, which puts the estimate of disappeared Bitcoin at a current value of $60.9m.)

Any way you slice it, the hackers got away with more Bitcoin than could cover what Montroll owed the platform’s users.

But that’s not how Montroll framed the hack in sworn testimony to the SEC in November 2013. According to the complaint, Montroll denied that the hack was successful:

When [the hackers] went to withdraw, the system stopped them because the amount was obviously causing issues with the system.

[The software issue] was corrected immediately, whenever the system started having the problems, and I caught on to what was happening I’d say within a few hours.

Then he came up with evidence to back up his claim: Montroll reportedly gave the SEC investigators a screenshot purportedly documenting, among other things, the total number of bitcoins available to BitFunder users in the WeExchange Wallet as of 13 October 2013. This supposed balance statement showed that there were 6,679.78 BTC on hand as of that date. Prosecutors say that in his sworn testimony, Montroll explained that it represented…

The collective pool of BTC held for users on BitFunder – users who transfer bitcoins to BitFunder, this is the total amount that’s being held by BitFunder of those users.

Well, that would have been nice. Unfortunately, the balance statement was cooked, prosecutors allege. Investigators looked at the digital evidence – including chat logs and transaction data – that showed that the balance statement was “a misleading fabrication.”

They noted that three days into the hackers bleeding off the Bitcoin, Montroll was on an internet relay chat with an unnamed person – “Person-1” – looking for help to track down the stolen coins. That didn’t work, so he allegedly transferred some of his own bitcoins into WeExchange to cover up the hole that had been ripped into the balance.

But still, the hacking and hoovering continued. Prosecutors say that by the time shown on the fabricated balance statement, WeExchange held thousands of bitcoins less than it claimed. Prosecutors say it held just 40.

In subsequent testimony, when confronted with that evidence, Montroll allegedly lied to SEC staff again. He admitted that he’d cooked up the balance statement, but he claimed that he only discovered the success of the hack after the SEC asked him about it during his first day of testimony.

As for the chat with Person-1? Don’t know anything about it, Montroll allegedly claimed.

Maximum penalties are rarely handed down, but for what it’s worth, the perjury charges each carry a maximum of penalty of five years in prison, while the obstruction of justice charge carries a maximum penalty of 20 years.

In a separate, parallel lawsuit, the SEC charged Montroll with operating an unregistered securities exchange; defrauding users; and making false and misleading statements, including failing to disclose the hacking attack. He also sold unregistered securities that purported to be investments in the exchange and misappropriated funds from those investors, the SEC said.

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  Tesla cryptojacked by currency miners
Posted by: mrtrout - 02-24-2018 , 06:15 AM - Forum: Security News - No Replies

https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2018/02...FeedBurner      Tesla cryptojacked by currency miners
22 FEB 2018  
Cryptocurrency    by Lisa Vaas
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Tesla’s Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud account was broken into by hackers who suckled at its computer power for cryptocurrency mining, according to security researchers at RedLock.

The researchers said on Tuesday that the hackers managed to get into the administration console for Tesla’s Kubernetes account because it wasn’t password-protected. Kubernetes is an open-source system designed by Google for optimizing cloud applications.

Once they were in, they found access credentials for Tesla’s AWS environment. They also got at an Amazon S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) bucket that had sensitive telemetry data related to Tesla cars.

To mine cryptocurrency – the researchers didn’t say what kind or how much the hackers got – the attackers hid the true IP address of a mining-pool server behind an IP address hosted by CloudFlare, a free content delivery network.    RedLock says it immediately reported the issue to Tesla, which quickly scrubbed itself clean of the infection. Tesla sent a statement to media outlets in which it said that it hadn’t uncovered any sign of customer privacy or vehicle safety or security having been compromised:

We maintain a bug bounty program to encourage this type of research, and we addressed this vulnerability within hours of learning about it. The impact seems to be limited to internally-used engineering test cars only, and our initial investigation found no indication that customer privacy or vehicle safety or security was compromised in any way.

RedLock said that the Tesla attack is similar to those it’s discovered in the past few months targeting Aviva, a British multinational insurance company, and Gemalto, the world’s largest manufacturer of SIM cards.

RedLock said that Tesla, Aviva and Gemalto all had at least one thing in common: Kubernetes consoles accessible to anybody on the internet, all lacking password protection. In fact, the researchers said they found hundreds of such unprotected consoles.

Within the past few months, cryptomining has cropped up on at least a couple of sites, such as The Pirate Bay and Salon, that are purposefully doing it to make money they say they can’t get through advertising.

Unauthorized cryptomining, known as cryptojacking has shown up in unexpected places: a recent example simultanteously infected numerous government websites in at least the US, the UK and Australia, when a third-party service that they all used for text-to-speech conversion got hacked.

Another cryptojacking instance popped up at a Buenos Aires Starbucks Wi-Fi in December.

Did the franchise do it on purpose? Or was it victimized by cryptojackers? Most of the time, cryptojacking is intentional, Naked Security’s Paul Ducklin told Wired at the time of the Starbucks incident:

It’s hard to guess the motivation of an unknown website operator, but based on an analysis of our detection data for the month of November [2017], most coinmining sites were doing it on purpose, and a significant majority were taking all the CPU they could get.

As we noted with Salon’s “turn off your adblocker or get to work mining for us,” you’ll probably have have a tough time making money from browser-based cryptomining.

Even Coinhive, a website dedicated to providing cloud-based cryptomining services for a 30% cut of the take, admits that your takings are likely to be modest: a site with 1,000,000 page visits a month, each of which lasts a full five minutes, none of which are from mobile devices, and where visitors are forced to mine all the time they’re on the site, is only going to pull in about 0.27 Monero a month – currently about $100.

How much cryptocoin does unauthorized sipping off an AWS get you?

It doesn’t matter. It’s illegal.

Come up with a different hobby rather than go down that route, and while we’re all on the topic, make sure to password-protect those Kubernetes consoles!

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  Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 2018.011.20035 Released
Posted by: mrtrout - 02-24-2018 , 05:51 AM - Forum: Freeware - Replies (4)

https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/acrobat/pdf-reader.html       The all-powerful Reader. For your all-important documents.
Acrobat Reader DC
View, print, and annotate PDFs with free Acrobat Reader DC.
 Download now      Do more with the leading PDF viewer.
More powerful than other PDF software, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is the free, trusted standard for viewing, printing, and annotating PDFs. And now, it’s connected to Adobe Document Cloud — so it’s easier than ever to work with PDFs on computers and mobile devices.
 Free download
FAQ  |  Tech specs  |  Reader distribution  |  Free mobile app
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Say hello to easy file access.
Acrobat Reader DC is connected to Adobe Document Cloud, so you can work with your PDFs anywhere. You can even access and store files in Box, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive.
Open once, read anywhere.
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Additional PDF services are just a click away. Inside Reader, you can subscribe to activate additional capabilities to create PDF files and export them to Word or Excel.  
Fill, sign, and send PDF forms.
Say goodbye to paper forms. Instead, type responses on your PDF form. Add your e-signature. Submit the form electronically. And save a copy for your records.
Manage software rollouts and standards compliance.
Use Adobe and Microsoft tools to manage and deploy updates. Get support for a wide range of document security standards. Extend Reader functionality using the free Acrobat SDK.

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  Actual Window Manager Review
Posted by: tarekma7 - 02-24-2018 , 12:19 AM - Forum: Written Reviews - Replies (3)

[Image: d1hFbu3.png]   [Image: iJ4r8K4.png]

What is Actual Window Manager?

Actual Window Manager is an innovative utility for organizing Windows® desktop via extended window manipulation capability for more convenient and enjoyable work with your computer.

It is well known that the productivity of your work depends on the amount of time and effort needed to manipulate all the windows you need during work. If you want to increase your productivity then you need to try using Actual Window Manager

Actual Window Manager increases productivity of a working on your personal computer through decreasing the time waste for switching between windows of different documents. Additionally, it keeps a desktop in order, increases productivity of work with two or more monitors and makes work convenient and comfortable.

Many of the routine window control operations you need on daily activities can be automated which will let you do the important work only. This increases your productivity

The program includes many productivity tools, which improve your ability to quickly, easily, and automatically manipulate the windows on your system and gain access to new control features.

The feature rich and customized actions let you can easily control windows, monitors, virtual desktops, minimize any window to tray or to any edge of the desktop, create desktop mirrors of windows, applications, displays and close annoying windows automatically. You can also move windows between monitors for one click, maximize certain windows or minimize them on startup, save and restore any window's size, position, and much more.

Components of Actual Window Manager?

Actual Window Manager includes all Actual Tools software. This offers you all features you need and saves your money

Actual Multiple Monitors gives you the best multi-monitor management.

Actual Virtual Desktops gives you an opportunity to use virtual desktops on all monitors.

Actual Title Buttons adds new Minimize to Tray, Stay on Top, Roll up, Move to Monitor, Maximize to Desktop, Set Priority, Make Transparent and other buttons to any window's title bar and context menu.

Actual Window Guard allows you to keep your workspace in optimal condition for efficient and comfortable work.

Now you are asking if this program is important for you? To answer this question, you need to first know who uses Actual Window Manager

With the recent powerful computers, you can easily use many simultaneous programs. For better control of your computer and to avoid needless and tedious manipulations, you will need Actual Window Manager.
It increases work productivity in a considerable way according to confirmation by many researchers. Using the program, you can easily work with several monitors.
Now, we can confirm that the audience of Actual Window Manager is large. For example; home users, online traders, various officers (lawyers, accountants, and many more) and IT professionals, such as system administrators, web designers, developers and others.

System requirements:

The program is compatible with all windows versions from Windows XP to 10 (32 and 64 bit), 128Mb free RAM and 10.34 Mb free HDD

Release date:  December 30, 2017
Current version:  8.11.3

Free trial:      60 days

[Image: CuRC4HK.png]

Price:  49.95 USD

[Image: r4RErl6.png]

Company website:
Product page link:
Direct Download link:

[Image: THfqmTG.gif]

This is very easy. Just double click the installer you have downloaded and follow simple on screen steps. Finally, you need to follow the Actual Window Manager Quick Setup Wizard.

[Image: 9ZGfFum.gif]

User Interface:

[Image: Wn4q3uO.gif]

The program has a built-in options panel for control of the user interface. It allows adjusting the look of Configuration Module in the main window. For example language, navigation bar, font and toolbars

[Image: ufP7bVd.png]



Registration (Activation):

[Image: z75FrfI.png]

This is very easy. Simply use tools menu, license then register. Now submit your email and license sent to you after purchase. That’s all!

Actual Tools Products Feature Comparison Chart:


[Image: qMfi7jO.png]

What is new:


Changing Windows Settings

The program helps you to change the windows settings in one of two ways. You can use the app wizard to adjust options that affect every window in your system globally (system-wide settings). The other option is to adjust specific window settings that affect windows exhibiting certain properties only

Features and uses of Actual Window Manager:

Multiple Monitors:

 This built-in feature greatly improves your multi-monitor environment adding additional fully-functional taskbars and other useful tools. It useful as more people use two or more monitors at work and home

Multi-Monitor taskbar with start button, show Desktop button, clock, notification area, Recycle Bin, and toolbars. It allows you to use of all Windows features

[Image: 4xyeL25.jpg]

Desktop Mirroring allows you to create mirrors on your desktop. For example; you can mirror the area around the mouse pointer

[Image: 2Z2SySW.jpg]

Desktop Management can manage the Screensaver and Background

Easy Navigation with the help of two additional title buttons; Move to next monitor and Maximize to Desktop

Multi-monitor Mouse feature   provides additional capabilities for using the mouse in a multi-monitor system. For example; quick switching of the mouse pointer between monitors via hotkeys

Full Windows integration:

Actual Window Manager adds new buttons to each window’s title bar. These buttons look and work like standard Windows buttons. Besides, it expands each window’s system menu. Simply click the right mouse button on window’s title bar to change window settings.

[Image: C4rRmtZ.jpg]

Additional Title Buttons:

The program adds new buttons to the window title bar, which look and work like standard Windows buttons. Additional title buttons perform various functions. For example; Minimize to system tray, Stay on top, Roll up, Resize a window, Make transparent, And much more...

[Image: pZCSDF6.jpg]

Also it expands the Windows system menu so that right mouse click at the top of the window can change the window settings.

[Image: z0SJoMc.png]

How to use the "Move to Monitor" button:

Individual Settings for Each Window:

The program allows you to set individual settings for desired window, folder, or program. For example if you often use such folders as My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places etc., and you want to open them where you indicate, you can set the position and size of any folder's window

[Image: ma5JPAg.jpg]

Creating specific settings via the Configuration Window

Creating specific settings via the Context Menu

Virtual Desktops:

If you are working with lots of applications, your desktop can easily become overcrowded. Actual Window Manager will quickly resolve this problem for you. It allows you to use unlimited number of virtual desktops on one or several monitors. It supports multiple monitors in two modes; classic and independent

[Image: OpUyQL6.jpg]

This video will help you understand how to start with virtual desktop feature:

Desktop Divider:

[Image: ry8JRqM.jpg]

This is a built-in arrangement tool that allows you to split the entire large desktop or each monitor into several non-intersecting areas (tiles). Each tile then can be filled with a window. You can easily drag/size a window put into a tile. 

Desktop Divider can work in one of the following work modes: Always Active, Active While the Modifier Keys Pressed, Active While the Modifier Keys Not Pressed

How to create Desktop Divider Layout:

How to place a window into the Desktop Divider tile:

File Folders:

[Image: 2HL0EOq.jpg]

[Image: wxeI5Jr.jpg]

Improves Windows folders navigation adding two additional title buttons. These buttons include recent folders and favorite folders. This improves Windows folder navigation specially when you are working with large amount of files,

Clipboard Manager:

This is a very useful feature that improves Windows clipboard functionality with 2 additional features: Clipboard Templates and Clipboard History. Clipboard Templates feature allows users to create text templates of typical materials and paste them in any document, emails, etc. This feature can be used for creating typical emails (with answers to the most frequently asked questions), advertisements, reports, etc. Clipboard History feature allows users to store up to 50 last records saved in clipboard, even if its contents were cleared.

Hotkeys support

[Image: s8NrViq.jpg]

You can minimize programs to the system tray, always keep them on top, roll up windows, make them semi-transparent, etc. with customizable keystroke combinations.

Roll up/Unroll:

Manual, automatic and mix controls. If you often write letters or articles based on some information from the Internet, Roll up function will be convenient.
The document can be reduced so only the title bar remains visible. You can look through or check the data in the web and then restore the text of the letter by clicking Unroll button.

Transparency effect:

[Image: dCXoMNe.jpg]

With Transparency effect, it is very easy to organize many windows opened simultaneously. Along with common techniques of switching between application windows, Actual Window Manager offers depth-based window ordering thanks to fully customizable transparency levels that can be saved individually for each window. For example, while typing something in MS Word, you need to follow information in the Internet browser window – just push Win-Y (it toggles the transparent effect on/off), and the Word window will become transparent allowing you view the contents of the underlying browser window.

Minimizing to a small icon in the system tray lets you save the taskbar space while providing access to minimized applications via the system tray icons.

[Image: DT7t7k1.jpg]

If you often open several windows simultaneously and keep an eye on the refreshment of information on them, you can also minimize them to tray, to avoid closing them by mistake. And when this information is required again, you can open this window and see what has changed. If you are interested in the latest news or wait for an answer in forum or eager to know the refreshment of quotations of rate, Actual Window Manager will not let you miss anything;

Stay on Top

[Image: 2c3ywIe.jpg]

The 'Stay on Top' feature helps you place the selected windows on top of other ones, so that it is always accessible and are not hidden by other windows. This feature is extremely useful when you drag-and-drop some information from E-mail to your contacts or content in MS Word.

Change windows settings by right-clicking at the title bar of a window
Automation of routine window manipulations
More than 50 desktop management tools
Increases your work productivity several times!

Working with multiple monitors
Hotkey support
Virtual desktop
And many more


The program is difficult to start for an average or novice user. It needs some experience and time to get familiar with its features and tools


Actual Window Manager is a desktop organizing application that has more than 50 handy tools which let you do operation in an easy and quick way. It will save your time and increase your productivity

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  calibre 3.18.0 Released
Posted by: mrtrout - 02-24-2018 , 12:06 AM - Forum: Freeware - No Replies

https://calibre-ebook.com/whats-new       Release: 3.18 [23 Feb, 2018]
New features
Browser viewer: Allow long tapping a word to look it up in a dictionary or search the internet for it.
Closes tickets: 1738995

Bug fixes
Conversion: Handle the deprecated type attribute on <ol> tags.
Closes tickets: 1751148

Fix metadata download from amazon stopped working because of a website change
Fix re-ordering of columns causing split book splitter state not being restored on restart
Fix errors when using strftime with unicode strings on non-utf-8 windows systems.
Closes tickets: 1749219

Split book view: Fix vertical scroll position of the two views getting out of sync after doing some searches.
Closes tickets: 1748739

Fix some edit widget appearing in the wrong place when editing in the right hand panel of the new split book list.
Closes tickets: 1748713

Portable build: Fix cache directory not always being auto-created
Closes tickets: 1747887

Workaround for Qt 5.10 on Linux resetting the global font, preventing custom interface font settings from working
Improved news sources
New York Times
The Economist
Various Uruguayan recipes  : https://calibre-ebook.com/download        Get calibre
Choose the type of computer on which you plan to use calibre, below:

Download calibre for Windows calibre for macOS calibre for linux Calibre Portable  calibre for Windows 64bit  :  https://calibre-ebook.com/download_windows        Download for Windows
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  Google Chrome 64.0.3282.186 Released
Posted by: mrtrout - 02-23-2018 , 11:42 PM - Forum: Freeware - No Replies

https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/      Stable Channel Update for Chrome OS
Friday, February 23, 2018
The Stable channel has been updated to 64.0.3282.167 / 64.0.3282.169 (Platform version: 10176.72.0 / 10176.73.0) for most Chrome OS devices. This build contains a number of bug fixes and security updates. Systems will be receiving updates over the next several days.
If you find new issues, please let us know by visiting our forum or filing a bug. Interested in switching channels? Find out how. You can submit feedback using ‘Report an issue...’ in the Chrome menu (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner of the browser).
Kevin Bleicher
Google Chrome  : 100% Scanned Malware Free & Clean With Kaspersky Free &  Trusted  & Digital Signature: ( Google Inc)    https://www.google.com/chrome/       Browse fast
One fast, simple, and secure browser for all your devices

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  Wise Program Uninstaller 2.2.2 ( Freeware)
Posted by: mrtrout - 02-23-2018 , 11:35 PM - Forum: Freeware - No Replies

https://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-program...aller.html       Wise Program Uninstaller
Free Software/Program Uninstaller
No need to install it. You can use this small and clean tool to remove software from your PC.

Free Download
version: 2.2.2 Size: 3.05 MB

Windows XP, Vista, 
(both 32-bit and 64-bit)      Ensures Clean and Thorough Software Uninstalling
Wise Program Uninstaller is the perfect solution for uninstalling Windows software, allowing you to uninstall programs quickly and completely using its simple and user-friendly interface. The built-in scan engine will scan and delete all the left associated files, folders and registry items after the de-installation, making sure the software is completely removed from your computer.
Forced Uninstall removes any stubborn software
For some stubborn software or software with a broken uninstaller, they can't be uninstalled by conventional means. The ‘Forced Uninstall’ option of Wise Program comes in handy. It scans your system for all the files and registries, that are associated with this software and deletes them thoroughly, just like you have never installed the software.
Finds the Software You Want to Uninstall Fast
Featuring an intuitive and modern interface, Wise Program Uninstaller also allows you to organize applications according to name, size, date and review to find the software you want to uninstall very fast. Or you can type in the name to find the software right away.
Context Menu Option makes software Uninstall more efficient
You can add ‘Uninstall with Wise Program Uninstaller’ option to context menu in settings, then you can uninstall software by right-clicking its icon without opening Wise Program Uninstaller.
Completely Free and Perfectly Compatible with Almost All Windows Versions
Wise Program Uninstaller is freeware that allows you to completely uninstall programs (64 and 32-bit) installed on your system. It has been developed and fully tested to work great on Windows 8&8.1 and other Windows operating systems, from Windows XP and up. No matter what you own - a desktop or a laptop.    https://www.wisecleaner.com/download.html        Wise Program Uninstaller 2.2.2
Free Software/Program Uninstaller
Last updated: 2018-02-23
Size: 3.05 MB
Windows XP, Vista, 
(both 32-bit and 64-bit)

Free Download
Portable Version   : 100% Scanned Malware Free & Clean With Kaspersky Free Both Versions Standard Exe & Portable Version Both Scanned  Clean : Trusted ( Kaspersky Security Network) Digital Signature: ( Lespeed Technology Ltd.)

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  Get Free 213 MB Collection of Hand-Crafted Photoshop Textures
Posted by: tarekma7 - 02-23-2018 , 07:43 PM - Forum: External Giveaways/Freebies - No Replies

Quote:We’ve got another great resource for you – a freely-available collection of custom Photoshop textures to help set your work apart… This exclusive set of 29 different hand-crafted textures has been released by War Unicorn Media at no cost and is 100% royalty-free. This collection comes complete with an 18-page guide (available online or as a download­able PDF), filled with tips and tricks on how to best use textures in your Photoshop workflow, as well as how to create your own!

Textures are super-easy to apply and use in Photoshop. Just load the texture into a new layer above your composition, and then set its Blending Mode and Opacity for how you want it to impact the photograph or image underneath. More details and ideas are given in the short tutorial video included below.


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  Cybercrime hurting businesses to tune of $600 billion
Posted by: tarekma7 - 02-23-2018 , 07:28 PM - Forum: Security News - No Replies

Quote:Why? Because the digital era has made crime easier than ever, says a new report from McAfee and the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The internet has made life easier in a whole lot of ways. Love that convenience? So do criminals.

A report out Wednesday says cybercrime may now be costing businesses worldwide as much as $600 billion, and it points to the ease of digital crime as the reason.

"The digital world has transformed almost every aspect of our lives, including risk and crime, so that crime is more efficient, less risky, more profitable and has never been easier to execute," Steve Grobman, chief technology officer for computer security company McAfee, said in a statement. McAfee developed the report (PDF) along with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a nonprofit, bipartisan think tank.

The fastest-growing tool for digital crooks right now? Ransomware, the report says. That's malicious software that can lock up your computer files till you send hackers a ransom payment. Attackers used it in the headline-grabbing WannaCry assault that hit hospitals, banks, telecommunications companies and warehouses in the middle of last year.

More than 6,000 illegal online marketplaces now offer ransomware for sale, says the McAfee-CSIS report. And if the buy-it-and-try-it, DIY approach seems like a headache, would-be criminals can simply hire a contractor -- ransomware-as-a-service is getting more popular.

Indeed, general cybercrime-as-a-service has gotten more sophisticated, says the study, with everything from custom malware to attack kits to botnet rentals available for convenience-seeking cyberbaddies.

The report also says the advent of cryptocurrencies has made it easier for digital troublemakers to actually make money off their crimes.

What's to be done? The study says that if data about cyberthreats was better standardized and cybersecurity requirements were better coordinated, businesses could more effectively protect themselves.

Security:  Stay up-to-date on the latest in breaches, hacks, fixes and all those cybersecurity issues that keep you up at night.


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  Streamza Torrenting: Lifetime License & Unlimited Allowance
Posted by: tarekma7 - 02-23-2018 , 07:24 PM - Forum: Hot Deals & Discounts - No Replies

Download Torrents Without Hazards or Risk

91% Off



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  Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus: Everything we know so far (Updated February 23)
Posted by: tarekma7 - 02-23-2018 , 07:22 PM - Forum: Phones & Tablets News - No Replies

Quote:In this post, which will be updated regularly, we take a closer look at the latest rumors surrounding the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus smartphones.

[Image: samsung-galaxy-s8-review-aa-11-of-43-1000x667.jpg]

The Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus are among the best smartphones you can get. They offer gorgeous bezel-less designs, sexy curved displays, and top-of-the-line specs. But they do have faults, we hope Samsung will address them with their successors. These include the weirdly-positioned fingerprint scanner, the lack of dual-cameras, an easily-fooled facial recognition system, and more. Fixes for all of these, and new features, could be part of the Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus.

Samsung hasn’t shared any details about the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus with the public yet. But we have come across a lot of reports and leaks that give us a good idea of what to expect in terms of the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus’ specs, features, design, price, and more. If you’re interested in learning more about the two new powerhouses from Samsung, keep reading. You’ll find all the latest Samsung Galaxy S9 rumors below.

[Image: Galaxy-S9-retail-box.jpg]



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  Free upgrade to Windows 10 for Windows 7 SP1 and 8.1 users
Posted by: tarekma7 - 02-23-2018 , 06:26 PM - Forum: External Giveaways/Freebies - No Replies

Quote:A special version of Microsoft's utility "Upgrade Advisor to Windows 10" will allow users of Windows 7 SP1 and 8.1 to upgrade to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709) for free

For users of Windows 7 and 8.1, the planned annual period of free upgrade to Windows 10 officially ended on July 29, 2016 .
Immediately after this date, Microsoft launched a site designed for users with limited capabilities that use the technology for Windows. However, and he ceased to work on January 16, 2018. However, with the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant utility, which is still available for download from official servers, anyone can still perform a free upgrade to Windows 10.
At the moment, an upgrade to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709) is available.

Free upgrade to Windows 10
To use the free upgrade offer, you must do the following:
1. For a problem-free installation, you must install all the latest updates for your current system.
2. Download the special version of the utility "Windows 7 Upgrade Assistant", with which you can check the compatibility of your computer and update your operating system Windows 7 SP1 or 8.1 for free.


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  SHARPEN Projects Photographer [71% OFF - 19.99$]
Posted by: tarekma7 - 02-23-2018 , 06:03 PM - Forum: Hot Deals & Discounts - No Replies


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  Sticky Password Premium - Lifetime License [80% Discount]
Posted by: tarekma7 - 02-23-2018 , 05:59 PM - Forum: Hot Deals & Discounts - Replies (1)

You save 80% | 1x lifetime license per user for all devices

29.98$ Price


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  Cyberghost VPN 3 Years Discount
Posted by: tarekma7 - 02-23-2018 , 05:56 PM - Forum: Hot Deals & Discounts - No Replies

Here is a link for the 3 years $99 promo 


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