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PAID Android Apps Giveaway
(03-15-2018 , 10:49 AM)comphelp Wrote: Placestor Pro- SOS SMS sender

[Image: n2KEb8vWz2Qez3frC0qkPgfVKXcNh2x-7ir0zwPf...I7=h310-rw]

Are you concerned about your #SAFETY? 
Are you feared of #KIDNAPPING?
Are you afraid of an #ACCIDENT?
Are you afraid of getting #LOST?

Make your LIFE EASIER ! 
TAKE the first step with PLACESTOR.
One small step for you, one BIG STEP FOR YOUR SAFETY.

SOS app. SOS Morse code in the past. SOS SMS now. 'Save Our Soul' as easily as possible.

DO NOT WAIT until they start looking for you! TAKE the first STEP to SAVE your own LIFE!

If you have an accident, PLACESTOR will HELP to SAVE your LIFE. 
In such SITUATION, a person is STRESSED out and under HUGE PHYSICAL and MENTAL PRESSURE. 
FOCUSING on any activity is very DIFFICULT. 
You WANT to call for HELP as soon as possible using the EASIEST WAY.

The MAIN purpose of PLACESTOR is „SEND MY LOCATION“ in a text message as GPS coordinates. If you have an accident, PLACESTOR will help the rescue (emergency) team to find your location and SAVE YOUR LIFE. 

TRUST ME, you will be really glad you can send your GPS coordinates without any big effort. 

Thanks to its EASY USE, it is user FRIENDLY FOR ANYONE – YOUNGER and also OLDER generation. 

It will help you when you need it most. 

If I had an accident and I would be injured, would I be able to explain the rescue team where is my location and where they should look for me? 

I wish noone would ever need it but YOU CAN BE PREPARED. Kindly watch the tutorial video in a Tutorials section ( to see how to easy use the application.

PLACESTOR can CHANGE your android MOBILE into fully functioned GPS LOCATION FINDER. It also includes the function that calculates the distance between two places. Between the actual location and the location saved in the list.

PLACESTOR belongs to the USEFUL apps. It shouldn`t be missed in any android mobile equipped with GPS. 
PRO version gives more accurate position because it is calculated as the average of three individual GPS values.


1. Simple possibilities
2. SOS app for android mobile and tablets
3. It save your life - SOS app for survival
4. Easy to use GPS coordinates
5. GPS location finder - GPS coordinates
6. PRO - allow saving data

01.10.2017 - Optimization user interface.

Giveaway is available again
(01-22-2018 , 10:55 AM)comphelp Wrote: Clean up - Photographic Coach for Kids

[Image: ExQeyutkJX-dHPeBdcxo38uZBUUUQTowfOOMwpaq...1I=h310-rw]

Do you hate discussions when it comes to thetopic of cleaning? Because children perceive mess differently, theyfeel treated unfairly and are frustrated themselves.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a little tool that shows children,whether their rooms are okay or not? And that shows them, at whichplaces they need to clean better? That is why we developed the RoomCheck for Kids. The Room Check brings a breath of fresh air to thesubject of cleaning. Thanks to latest image processing technology,it measures the tidiness in the room and displays the result on ascale from 0 (perfectly tidy) to 10 (chaos). Since its judgement isobjective and impartial, it stops the usual discussions – is theroom tidy enough now or not?!
New : By pressing the light bulb button, the app illuminates theplaces which are particularly untidy. So the child knows, where tostart cleaning.
The operation is easy, even for a six year old. Initially apicture of the room in a good tidy state is taken (desired statepicture). Then, whenever desired, the degree of tidiness can beeasily determined. It is sufficient to hold the device towards theroom for a moment. The app recognizes the correspondence with thefirst picture automatically, even if the second picture does notprecisely match the first one.
The app can also be seen as a complement to traditional cleaninggames - the practical part of the game, so to speak.
•Up to 10 rooms can be covered simultaneously.
•No advertising.
•No internet connection needed

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(02-10-2018 , 08:52 PM)comphelp Wrote: pro paint prediction-magic trick-be a mentalist

[Image: YYU7-QbRH6NgRSPZTvVVAHbgcALUch-BO8e4n85W...Gc=h310-rw]

imagine you ask a spectator one thing among 15 and the choice of the spectator appears in your phone !!

Pro Paint Prediction is a tool that allows you to set 15 predictions and display the choice of the spectator in your phone on a slate !!

an ingenious system and completely undetectable by the spectator.

a tool that combines a card game or a mentalist trick will work miracles.

tour de magie,mentalisme,magicien,truc de magicien,magic trick, magician,street magie,mentalism.

Giveaway is available again
(05-02-2018 , 07:34 PM)litek Wrote: Your Call Recorder Pro

Your Call Recorder Is The Best Call Recorder App For new Era Smartphones

Giveaway is available again
Catch The Event - Dash Cam

[Image: F9ZdEMtBNPBks_p5-eP1T8zDUvdh5kxWOtf0zMON...=w720-h310]

This Dash Cam app will record events using any available camera.
Orient the Android device and place in window mount. Press RECORD.
For best results, keep plugged into charger. Android device may get hot, as using the camera for long periods uses a lot of CPU.
Also may drain battery if not plugged into charger.
After recording an event that you wish to save, STOP the recording before the file gets overwritten.
The oldest file gets overwritten first.
The files are in the "CatchTheEvent" subdirectory of "Pictures" on your sdcard memory.
Depending on the amount of free memory your Android device has, Choose the "Number of old files", "Max Video File Size" and "Frames Per Second" options in the Preferences menu.
"Frames Per Second" setting also affects resolution of the captured dash cam video.
There are a number of ways a camera can be hidden, This app blanks the whole screen. It can also be set to stop recording and exit after a set time.

[Image: 5biJCfpnjQhLdup9hk7Up3w_QZYPwy2VnT8_xZDg...gNnXQ=s180]

US NEWS covering mostly USA and US states.

Fastest way for reading news in english. All from economics -stocks and currencies, sports, poltics, culture, lifestyle -movies and books, weather, videos to main events and lot more you can read further inside the newspaper. Beside you are also accesseed to the greatest news providers like CNN, TIME, WASHINGTON POST WSJ ABC, FOX etc.
Some tv and radio staions and some of the greatest magazines also included. LIST OF US STATES
Family Budget

[Image: IkbgrcfFsp-CnVlvSxNf15aCqhrCIsF5Sudbi7Fr...=w720-h310]

One aspect of family life that people rarely enjoy dealing with is to manage a family budget.

The budget is essentially a summary of lists of intended expenses (spending) and expected incomes. We will name these "Budget Categories". Setting up a family budget can be different from one family to another based on their specific needs. But the intention is always the same, planning for present expenses and also preparing for the unexpected.

The Application features:
- Customizable Budget Categories
- Register of Incomes and Spending
- Multi-Currency
- Envelope System
- Standing Orders
- Statement Balance
- Capture & Storage of Receipts
- Remote Access via Internet Browser
(04-25-2018 , 09:39 AM)comphelp Wrote: Weather Live Pro 

[Image: xhWjgFkbHQ5AaK59RdfprtJHzrkicUJmMVczp91v...=w720-h310]

Live background weather pro version:
- No ads
- Full features
- 30 days money back guarantee

What's the weather today, what's the weather tomorrow and weather for the week ? So simple answer for you by downloading our todays weather forecast app, the weather online app that provide realtime todays weather update & long range weather forecast in many days.

Weather forecast live is super accurate forecast app, best of weather forecast apps with local weather, weather map and weather widgets on home screen.
Whether forecast: Current weather forecast now, hourly forecast, today's forecast and daily forecast app in 7 days.
Home screen widgets for android: The weather radar widget free and clock widget weather with beautiful style.
Weather map: Local weather radar app free, radar scope: Rain/snow, temperature, pressure, windy, clouds, humidity, waves, wind map, hurricane … and storm radar, weather satellite.

Weather forecast app gives local forecast & weather forecast world wide, the app provides the current temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit, sunrise and sunset times according to city time zone.
Its so easy to receive the weather conditions in your current location. Very important fishing weather, storm warning, storm tracker for fishermen to know what is the weather & ocean conditions.

Giveaway is available again
Safe Incoming

[Image: fypBymOyPiNAO-c0d02tTAjRJcm_0NJ8okxN-UOL...=w720-h310]

Safe Incoming
Reject advertising, marketing, market research, scams, pranks and all unknown calls. Except for the phone number that exists in your phone book. This app can be convenient to record, query, and callback unknown caller number.

Small, power-saving, no advertising.

(02-10-2018 , 08:49 PM)comphelp Wrote: Secure Note

[Image: WU0HZ8Wvf5OrV1QbpGoFj4fgrrbuTTrRG0Kr5Ijp...dQ=h310-rw]

Secure Note

All your special notes, passwords, etc. you can keep it encryptedinyour phone. you can share it with all other devices.

Giveaway is available again

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