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PAID Android Apps Giveaway

[Image: ajvQXIKqxfUqyfApP1pVIx-My-eksWkPgptqeWnk...CT=h310-rw]

This application will take care of your data.
Secured with OTP verification.
Easy to use.

[Image: Yvt3f2vwz2uAaNMNNPBaQMRlCuZOmGbi9pT-a798...H-=h310-rw]

Video connection - this is a video calling application very fast. It works on smart phones and tablets, so you can always contact people who matter to you anywhere in the world. Hear their voice and see their faces with a high speed connection for everyone for free.

* CHAT - Send and receive text messages, icons, photos and videos for free.

* Social - Interect with interesting people around and around the world.
1. Submit this application with the most interesting people around.
2. If you do not like, you can simply swipe left on their pictures. If you are interested, just criticize right.
3. If you criticize right on someone, you will get notified. If you accept your invitation, you are friends! At this point, you can send a message and video chat every other right within the application.
4. You decide who can message or contact you. No one can send a message or contact you unless you accept an invitation. You can always prevent someone at any momen
Multiple Timer PRO

[Image: 9yuvmUsjD9nbWV4BFUwPx3CUppWCTp3fL6YyftYW...fM=h310-rw]

Multiple Timer PRO is an easy to use reliable timer app which offers quick way to use preset timed alarms. Intuitive simple interface requires only two taps to activate an alarm. One to open the app, second to start timer - thats it, simple and extremely fast. 
Multiple timers can be set, independently started and run at the same time. 

Time multiple events easily - use it as kitchen timer alarm, break time alert, study alarm, sports, work, gameplay alarms - options are endless. 

Notification bar control - Pause / Stop directly from notification bar
Custom Alarms and Timer - You can change time and alarm tone. 
Named Timer - assign names for each timer

Multiple Timer PRO does not require any special permission and internet connection. It's very light on resources and is less than 725 kb in size! Running foreground, background or with device locked, this reliable app will deliver the set timer.

Single tap on a STOPPED timer (red border) to Activate it.
Timer becomes ACTIVE (green border).
Single tap on Active timer to PAUSE (orange border).
Single tap on Pause timer to RESUME (green border).

Long Press on ACTIVE OR PAUSED timer. 
Shows cancel confirmation prompt, select Yes.

Long Press on STOPPED timer.
Single tap on the time value to edit.
Single tap button 'Set Time' to save updated time value.
Single tap on ringtone value to change the alarm sound.
Single tap button 'Set Tone' to save selected tone.
Single tap 'Back' to go back to main screen
Systems of linear equations

[Image: JKQVYFheYXHiOq-w_ZCpo6tcUUXR4G0DVSs_u5zb...A=h300.png]

What are linear systems of equations andhowcan they be solved?

In this tutorial we will introduce different methods forsolvingsystems of equations:

- the insertion procedure,
- the equation procedure,
- the addition process,

The program also contains a calculator for solving linear systemsofequations, a configurator for creating new equation systems andatrainer.

[Image: 820r-ARJB9bRb1hLneQSY8A00pPMmaeIaMRLOIre...z0=h310-rw]

Identify and label peaks, mountains andhillsin
your live camera preview or in photos accessible fromyourdevice.

For a limited time: send request to
to obtain a promotion code for a free install.

Identify peaks in your camera's live view

PeakIdentify has a database of over 340,000
mountains, peaks and volcanoes from all over the
world. In addition to peak name, the labels also
show the height and distance of each peak from you.

Identify peaks in photos
PeakIdentify lets you view any photo accessible
from your phone or tablet and identifies and labels
the peaks in the photo.

Save labeled photos
PeakIdentify lets you take and save a snapshot
of your live preview. You can also save a
peak-labeled copy of your snapshot or of
an old photo.

3D elevation terrain
PeakIdentify optionally superimposes a 3D
model of the view around you. The terrain model
can be used to better align the labels with your
live view in case of poor compass calibration and
is essential for identifying the correct direction
in your photos.

Digital elevation maps for most of the world are
available and will be downloaded automatically
for your current location.

You can also download elevation maps for a
planned hike or photo-shoot, by providing a
location on the Google maps screen.

Google maps view
PeakIdentify shows your current location, or that
of your photo, on Google maps.

Sun and Moon orbits
PeakIdentify provides a great tool for
photographers planning to take pictures of the
moonset or moonrise above a particular
mountain or peak.
It shows the direction of the moon and the sun,
relative to the current position, on the Google
maps screen.
It also superimposes the moon and the sun in
your live or photo view.
You can adjust the date and time so you can tell
exactly where the moon will be.
Placestor Pro- SOS SMS sender

[Image: n2KEb8vWz2Qez3frC0qkPgfVKXcNh2x-7ir0zwPf...I7=h310-rw]

Are you concerned about your #SAFETY? 
Are you feared of #KIDNAPPING?
Are you afraid of an #ACCIDENT?
Are you afraid of getting #LOST?

Make your LIFE EASIER ! 
TAKE the first step with PLACESTOR.
One small step for you, one BIG STEP FOR YOUR SAFETY.

SOS app. SOS Morse code in the past. SOS SMS now. 'Save Our Soul' as easily as possible.

DO NOT WAIT until they start looking for you! TAKE the first STEP to SAVE your own LIFE!

If you have an accident, PLACESTOR will HELP to SAVE your LIFE. 
In such SITUATION, a person is STRESSED out and under HUGE PHYSICAL and MENTAL PRESSURE. 
FOCUSING on any activity is very DIFFICULT. 
You WANT to call for HELP as soon as possible using the EASIEST WAY.

The MAIN purpose of PLACESTOR is „SEND MY LOCATION“ in a text message as GPS coordinates. If you have an accident, PLACESTOR will help the rescue (emergency) team to find your location and SAVE YOUR LIFE. 

TRUST ME, you will be really glad you can send your GPS coordinates without any big effort. 

Thanks to its EASY USE, it is user FRIENDLY FOR ANYONE – YOUNGER and also OLDER generation. 

It will help you when you need it most. 

If I had an accident and I would be injured, would I be able to explain the rescue team where is my location and where they should look for me? 

I wish noone would ever need it but YOU CAN BE PREPARED. Kindly watch the tutorial video in a Tutorials section ( to see how to easy use the application.

PLACESTOR can CHANGE your android MOBILE into fully functioned GPS LOCATION FINDER. It also includes the function that calculates the distance between two places. Between the actual location and the location saved in the list.

PLACESTOR belongs to the USEFUL apps. It shouldn`t be missed in any android mobile equipped with GPS. 
PRO version gives more accurate position because it is calculated as the average of three individual GPS values.


1. Simple possibilities
2. SOS app for android mobile and tablets
3. It save your life - SOS app for survival
4. Easy to use GPS coordinates
5. GPS location finder - GPS coordinates
6. PRO - allow saving data

01.10.2017 - Optimization user interface.
LARA Automotive Locksmith Aid

[Image: TgxLei40EIaA7Bp2GyqmHaTT_E5K0TCY-CIYg1-X...wo=h310-rw]

LARA - Locksmiths Automotive Reader Assistant

LARA is an Android App for the Automotive Locksmith.
Lara will run on your Phone and as well as on your Tablet.

LARA makes Locksmiths lives a lot easier by putting
decoding information right at your finger tips. 

☆ LARA now has s Diagnostic Trouble Code library to assist with making keys to vehicles.
☆ New feature of voice commands whilst decoding to keep both hands free.
☆ Two views by Tool or by Vehicle giving more information then ever before.
☆ With Tiris Calculator Built In!
☆ Swipe from LEFT for menu (for phones without menu button)

LARA started out life as Lishi Assistant but has
grown far beyond this now incorporating other tools such as Determinators
AccuReaders as well as Transponder Chip and some Eeprom information also. Including pictures.

LARA is firstly a notepad to record the decoded cuts of a car lock when
decoded by a variety of tools. As you are decoding your lock with your
Lishi 2 in 1 or Determinator tools or any other automotive reading
tool, you can enter the cuts into LARA. LARA will suggest which wafers
are in the door lock for you. Once finished in many cases you can run
your bitting through Blackhawk's Fill Online if you have an account
with them whilst still standing at the vehicle door. Or of course
Instacode or similar code software to verify you have a valid code.

There is quite a lot of information that LARA has to help you along
your way to making keys to that vehicle, such as:
☆ Vehicle make and general model information
☆ Code series used
☆ What wafers are likely to be in the door lock.
☆ Code rules which can help to ensure you are decoding each lock
☆ Tris Calculator (Hex to Tris).

[Image: OaLgDC-QNpMSTbsoqK9W7NRyX_srjLlEDwIzstME...Aw=h310-rw]

With this app, functions (secondary levelI)can be graphically displayed and importantfeaturesdisplayed:

- linear functions,
- quadratic functions,
- power functions, root functions,
- exponential functions, logarithm functions,
- angle functions,

Changing the parameters shows how the functions and theirpropertieschange.
Interwebz Browser

[Image: qr7m49EKVNzlvGMRQpAb57RhAyPxRbZgrtrlRlPi...nw=h310-rw]

A fast, lightweight, minimalistic browserthatsaves battery life by using a Dark Theme. AMOLED pixels turnoffwhen displaying the color black, saving battery power.

●Dark theme is the default theme for the Browser. there are noothersettings●

● permission.INTERNET: Needed to access the internetforbrowsing
CPU Widgets

[Image: lP5kY8Y6wX9DuCnZAk8vQevyldpDsCSX_nYcEonI..._g=h310-rw]

CPU Widget is a collection of CPU, RAM and Battery widgets showing live information right on your Homescreen. CPU Widget app contains 4 widgets of 4x2, 3x2 and 2x2 sizes.

1. CPU Widget 3x2 :- shows current CPU frequency, CPU usage and active cores along with chipset name, image and CPU usage indicator.

2. RAM Widget 4x2 :- shows free RAM, cached processes, buffers along with Installed RAM, Usable RAM and RAM usage wheel on your Homescreen.

3. Battery Widget 2x2 :- shows remaining battery capacity, current battery temperature and battery voltage along with charging indicator.

4. RAM Widget 2x2 :- Live memory usage in 2x2 small widget right in front of you.

For feedback and suggestions, choose 'Send feedback' from within the app. For Error reporting and other problems, choose 'Report a problem' from within the app.

System requirements :-
-Android 4.1 or later

Required permissions :-
Internet :- CPU Widget requires internet to check for updates.

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