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Promo2day Contest BootRacer
I hope BootRacer Premium will help me control the boot speed of my PC, let me know which programs are affecting the startup time of my PC. 
I feel that my PC boot speed is getting slower and slower since installing win10.

thank you!

Thanks for the giveaway


I'd like to win a license of BootRacer because I want my computer to boot as fast as possible
Thank you for the giveaway.
I would like to win the program because one of my PCs is already quite old and despite changing the disk to SSD it is slow to run programs on it, and BooRacer would help me monitor them once stop those slowing it down.
My share FB
Giveaway end, stay tuned for the winners
ALL users who posted in this giveaway are winners

Winners must claim his/her license within 5 days or the win will be void 

Name and Email address are required
[Image: mfw6kk8.jpg]
One of the winners did not claim license till now
Winners sent to the developer
Please confirm when you receive your license
(09-08-2023 , 10:10 PM)tarekma7 Wrote: Please confirm when you receive your license

Waiting for confirmation here to close the topic

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