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Update XnView MP
#1        Changelog 0.98.12019-11-21 
1958: [New] Zoom-in filter (Bicubic, Spline, Lanczos)
1952: [New] Batch convert: 'fill width' option for text background
1888: [New] mm in print size -
1895: [New] IPTC: merge option when importing template -
1965: [Bug] Windows: scaling problem -
1964: [Bug] Print & margins -
1963: [Bug] TIFF & EXIF setting -
1962: [Bug] Batch convert: Keep IPTC/XMP/EXIF/ICC -
1961: [Bug] Collage: spacing not used -
1960: [Bug] WebP animation crash -
1959: [Bug] MacOS-Linux: Slow starting with a lot of subfolders -
1957: [Bug] Convert: Deleting original files on Linux-MacOS don't work -
1956: [Bug] Old version of ghostscript not recognized -
1955: [Bug] Strip: Image orientation problem
1954: [Bug] Search similar: Tolerance problem -
1953: [Bug] Unexpected zoom behavior of selection function -
1951: [Bug] Paste outside -
1950: [Bug] Saved selection not kept between session
1949: [Bug] IPTC/XMP: Load template -
1948: [Bug] Info icon display problem on hDPI
1947: [Bug] Slideshow: Problem when saving settings
1946: [Bug] Slideshow: Text position not saved in .sld -
1945: [Bug] Tag not working -
1944: [Bug] MWG not correctly imported -
1896: [Bug] GIF frame by frame -
1943: [Bug] Create banner without files
1942: [Bug] Batch converter with Animated GIF results in crash -
1941: [Bug] Video thumbnail crash (MP4)
1940: [Bug] 'Random file' always enabled -
1880: [Bug] GPS>Satellite crash on Windows
1939: [Bug] Duplicate file dialog -
1938: [Bug] Rating overwrites categories in .xmp companion file -
1937: [Bug] No export to .xmp companion file / empty .xmp -
1936: [Bug] 'Enhance colors' crash on big image
1935: [Bug] Print scanned document (dpi) -
1934: [Bug] Crop size in portrait -
1933: [Bug] Sub-sampling info for 4:4:0 JPEG is wrong -
1932: [Bug] & in tab title -            Windows
Installer for Windows:
Setup Win 32bit :            Setup Win 64bit :      XnView MP is provided as FREEWARE (NO Adware, NO Spyware) for private or educational use (including non-profit organizations).  Digital Signature ( Pierre GOUGELET )  XnView MP 0.98.1  32bit & 64bit (New) Were Scanned With Kaspersky Total Security 2021 & Is 100% Clean, which means it does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.  Smile Big Grin Thumb
XnView MP 0.98.2

0.98.2 :: Not yet available for this version

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DOWNLOAD XnViewMP for Windows x86 [zip]
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Windows x64 [zip]
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Mac x64 [TGZ]
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Mac x64 [DMG]
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Linux TGZ
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Linux DEB
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Linux x64 TGZ
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Linux x64 DEB
DOWNLOAD XnView MP ARM version
DOWNLOAD XnView MP Linux x64 AppImages
XnView MP 0.98.3

Changes in XnView MP 0.98.3:
  • [New] EXIF>LensModel/LensMake added
  • [New] Import&Sort: Sidecar option to write keywords
  • [New] Zoom out filter (Bicubic, Spline, Lanczos)
  • [New] Alphabetically sort
  • [New] Timestamp: option to force update
  • [New] Browser: Statusbar customization
  • [New] Category Sets
  • [New] Export Catalog enhancements
  • [New] ‘Edit XMP’ in context menu
  • [New] ResizePreset.txt in AppData
  • [New] Quick Search: catalog keywords
  • [New] Export Catalog enhancements
  • [New] ‘Edit XMP’ in context menu
  • [New] ResizePreset.txt in AppData
  • [Bug] TIFF Black levels EXIF field
  • [Bug] EXIF date 1900 not correctly sorted
  • [Bug] No warning for a rotation on HEIC
  • [Bug] Crash on .ani
  • [Bug] On HiDPI screen, small images are with 99% zoom
  • [Bug] HiDPI & bicubic-lanczos filter
  • [Bug] HiDPI & b&w image
  • [Bug] JPEG XR
  • [Bug] Edit GPS: Copy/Paste problem
  • [Bug] Crash when moving/selecting category
  • [Bug] Detail view & rating/label with 125% font scaling
  • [Bug] CR2 orientation problem
  • [Bug] descript.ion is missing when moving folder
  • [Bug] Ghostscript 9.54
  • [Bug] Edit IPTC: On MacOS Alt+left/right arrow to change file
  • [Bug] ‘show people region’ should be persistent
  • [Bug] Image always loaded even if preview is off
  • [Bug] Annoying tooltips on category pane
  • [Bug] Region name
  • [Bug] Preview pane: auto image size not saved
  • [Bug] Canvas resize – restore default
  • [Bug] Thumbnail loading crash sometimes
  • [Bug] GEM vulnerability – Thanks to Michael Heinzl
  • [Bug] Print size rounded value
  • [Bug] ‘Use alpha channel’ in browser’s preview
  • [Bug] SPACE to play/pause video in browser
  • [Bug] Slideshow: delay limit
  • [Bug] Default properties dialog in edit mode
  • [Bug] IPTC dialog in edit mode should not change state of image is ‘Write’
  • [Bug] Incorrect value for {DstWidth}
  • [Bug] ‘Save’ confirmation dialog
  • [Bug] PNG & Large iTxt
  • [Bug] Hidden folder disappear
  • [Bug] Category Sets re-assignment via History not possible
  • [Bug] Comment: hotkey for ‘write all’
  • [Bug] Edit XMP: CreateDate should use ExifnullateTaken
  • [Bug] Edit XMP: Field remove
  • [Bug] Crash when AVIF renamed as HEIC
  • [Bug] ‘Only one instance’ & foreground window on Windows
  • [Bug] ORI extension
  • [Bug] Icon on lossless totate
  • [Bug] Import&Sort: Filename not renamed
  • [Bug] Custom order and viewing
  • [Bug] Catalog: Check folders doesn’t remove orphaned files
  • [Bug] Banner & RGBA
  • [Bug] Wallpaper & windows font scaling
  • [Bug] Clip format
DOWNLOAD XnViewMP for Windows x86 [exe]
DOWNLOAD XnViewMP for Windows x64 [exe]
DOWNLOAD XnViewMP for Windows x86 [zip]
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Windows x64 [zip]
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Mac x64 [TGZ]
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Mac x64 [DMG]
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Linux TGZ
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Linux DEB
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Linux x64 TGZ
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Linux x64 DEB
DOWNLOAD XnView MP ARM version
DOWNLOAD XnView MP Linux x64 AppImages
XnView MP 0.99.0

Changes in XnView MP 0.99.0:
  • [New] Qt 5.15.6
  • [New] JPEGXL 0.5
  • [New] libwebp 1.2.0
  • [New] LibHeic updated, EXIF-XMP output
  • [New] LibJPEGXL updated
  • [New] Libraw instead of dcraw
  • [New] Batch rename: ignore extension for #
  • [New] Set DPI – viewtopic.php?t=42134
  • [New] Batch convert: Environment vars
  • [New] JPEGXL options & export
  • [New] Setting to hide mouse in fullscreen
  • [New] Search: Dialog is no more modal
  • [New] Option to disable two-pass rendering
  • [New] Edit XMP: Fotoware custom field support
  • [New] Button to edit text ‘Add Text’
  • [Bug] No undo after saving a screenshot
  • [Bug] BLP
  • [Bug] Menu items not disabled
  • [Bug] Slow startup on Windows
  • [Bug] Open second image in fullscreen & one instance
  • [Bug] Search similar problems
  • [Bug] ‘Select first item’ not working[Bug] Batch convert: FTP + Keep structure
  • [Bug] Linux: Drag&Drop copy not move
  • [Bug] Batch convert: Bad output for NConvert
  • [Bug] .clip & temp files
  • [Bug] Drag&Drop problem
  • [Bug] Lossless transformations disabled
  • [Bug] XBS button doesn’t work in viewer mode
  • [Bug] XMP sidecar attached to RAW
  • [Bug] Filtering & open view
  • [Bug] PNG: 8bits + transparency
  • [Bug] Preview’s position
  • [Bug] PNG: 24bits + transparency
  • [Bug] Folder sorting
  • [Bug] ‘Rating+Label’ thumbnail label
  • [Bug] Settings>Toolbar
  • [Bug] Setting Filelist-Audio
  • [Bug] Batch Convert: Export all pages into single page file
  • [Bug] IPTC encoding (utf8)
  • [Bug] Automatic crop & 32bits picture
  • [Bug] Write format list
  • [Bug] XMP Create Contact
  • [Bug] Can’t read or write negative altitude value
  •  [Bug] Resize must remember previous settings
  • [Bug] XMP fields in Batch rename
  • [Bug] Print in landscape not possible
  • [Bug] {ratio} must show aspect ratio when possible
  • [Bug] Batch convert: WebP export for NConvert
  • [Bug] Edit Mode: Rating hidden when toolbar is on the left
  • [Bug] White Balance in Edit mode
  • [Bug] Info text not correctly aligned
  • [Bug] GIF pause
  • [Bug] Rating-Color label written in sidecar
  • [Bug] Theme on startup wizard & better color for dark theme
  • [Bug] Curve crash
  • [Bug] Invalid {WidthMm} and {HeightMm}
  • [Bug] Invisible text in thumbnail’s labels when ‘Use format color’ is disabled
  • [Bug] Parent category not applied on Enter
  • [Bug] Paint: Shortcut for undo/redo
  • [Bug] SPACE in category pane
  • [Bug] Slideshow: file list is always sorted by filename
  • [Bug] No GPS pane if ‘Preview’ is disabled
  • [Bug] Slideshow: no rating/color label
  • [Bug] Info not showing on entering fullscreen
  • [Bug] Face tags not shown
  • [Bug] Numerical sort (by Date) for files with same date
  • [Bug] Clipboard corrupted at exit

Homepage –
XnView MP is a versatile and powerful photo viewer, image management, and image resizer. XnView is one of the most stable, easy-to-use, and comprehensive photo editors. All common picture and graphics formats are supported (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, WEBP, PSD, JPEG2000, OpenEXR, camera RAW, HEIC, PDF, DNG, CR2).

XnView MP is provided as FREEWARE (NO Adware, NO Spyware) for private or educational use (including non-profit organizations).
If you enjoy using XnView, Don't hesitate to help the developer with a small donation

XnView MP 1.3.1

[Image: 2Qm7I1i.jpg]
XnView MP 1.7.1

Changes in XnView MP 1.7.1

DOWNLOAD XnViewMP for Windows x64 [exe]
DOWNLOAD XnViewMP for Windows x86 [exe]
DOWNLOAD XnViewMP for Windows x64 [zip]
DOWNLOAD XnViewMP for Windows x86 [zip]
DOWNLOAD XnViewMP for Mac x64 [TGZ]
DOWNLOAD XnView MP for Mac x64 [DMG]
DOWNLOAD XnViewMP for Linux x64 TGZ
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