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Secure Your Online Accounts By Revoking Access From Third-Party Apps
[Image: B9QL7yn.jpg]

You have probably logged in with your social accounts to several third-party apps – games, other social networks, streaming services and so on.

For privacy matters, it’s recommended that you only allow access to trustworthy apps. These apps will have access to your profiles and personal information.

It’s very easy to lose track of all the single apps you’ve connected to various accounts, so while it might seem like a silly process, it's really worth checking them every few months.

Clicking below you can check and remove access to external apps from a few social networks:
This is very important security step to secure your accounts on social media

A lot of apps ask for login using social media accounts, for example; Gleam

After sometime you can check your account for these apps and if you are not in need; Revoke app access

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