12-28-2019 , 02:32 PM
1 - 8 Players - Internet Connection Required
This game takes place in a real world location, a small village like many others on earth, a place with his strenghts and weakness,
A place where Past Present and Future happens at the same time...
You are a lonely traveler brought here by the Space Research Program,
Your mission is to find out how Earth and its People could ended up like that.
It was supposed to start your visit in Manhattan but something went wrong with gps and you dramatically landed in a small village northern Italy, your ship broke but you’re ok.
Now you need to find lost pieces of your ship, bring them to landing site, repair the ship and go back home with as much informations as you can.
Then something starts to tick in your head, someone told you a thing like “all the world is village”,was many years ago, but now you know, even the most insignificant cluster of the planet can tell you that they were all part of the same thing, the problem was they didn’t know.
Think About Your Own
One more thing, probably you're not alone, there is other people looking for a way out of this lone beautiful abandoned world.
Watch your Back
Game is Mixed Language
There are site specific informations and terms, so expect part of the game is written in Italian.
Planned Updates on Characters, Vehicles, Sounds and Pieces Locations / Informations, Gameplay.
Minimum System Specs:
I5 - GE FORCE 960 - 8GB RAM