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Promo2day Giveaway 1 x Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Conviction [CLOSED]
[Image: header.jpg] [Image: MindlessGrayDuckbillplatypus-size_restricted.gif]
[Image: ss_7482330e1fa016d82e3e948e42d19c9674fd0fbb.600x338.jpg] [Image: 1493646526_Conviction%20-%204.gif]

Alright there's gonna be some different platform other than steam games giveaways to clear off some of my really old games. This one is for Uplay. Its an old key from a bundle & I forgot if any Uplay regional restriction exists or not. Still, take part if you wish. Same rule as before. After few days I randomise for a winner if more than 1 member want.
Dunno what sort of game it is. I have only a code for it, hope it works fine.  Dont Know Oh no

WINNER: Deathsmear

[Image: 1012E199C4397128852F3B668414CCE893D1B406]

Disclaimer: I get some of these games from friends & take these in good faith. You can understand that its impossible to check if serial is working or already redeemed, unless you activate it on Steam. So if a key turns out to be a duplicate its unfortunate & hopefully I can offer a different replacement game if I have it. You have to active it on Steam & hope all are ok & you get the game. This is the only term/condition I got for such personal giveaways of mine. Pictures used are from steam pages & internet & only for fair use.
Count me in
Thanks tregs_beales
Count me in thanks Smile
Thanks Tregs. Conviction may not be as good as Chaos Theory or Blacklist, but hey it's still a Sam Fisher game. And it was the last in the series to feature Michael Ironside. Cool
i'm in for it

thanks mate Smile
Thanks a lot Tregs for the giveaway. Count me in Thumb
Please count on me! Thank you!
Thanks tregs_beales  Thumb  , count me in
Here is my entry. Thanks for doing this!
Thanks for the giveaway

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