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NxPowerLite Desktop 8 Feature Focus - JPEG Resize
Quote:Unlike versions 6 and 7, which focused on improving the compression engine, version 8 is all about the user experience (although we managed to squeeze in one or two engine improvements and support for PNG files as well).

As we’ve crammed a lot of new capabilities into this simple compression utility, we thought we’d start a series of posts highlighting these new features to guide you toward a few helpful functions you might not realise were there. You can expect to see a new post from me each month for the next  six months at least.

Since version 4 of NXPowerLite you have been able to select and optimize images from the context menu (right-click menu). This can often reduce them by 50% or more, but if you’re trying to email or upload lots of photos you might need them to be a LOT smaller first.

We wanted to make this super-easy in version 8, so now if you select JPEGs and right-click, you will have the additional option to “Resize (scale to 1920 x 1080)”.  Choosing this option will both optimize AND resize your JPEGs simultaneously, giving you even smaller images that are perfect for sharing and displaying on screens:


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