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Raising your own Baketure! They areuniquemonsters that you can have as a pet on your mobile to takecare ofthem and interact. It has several facets such as eating,gettingdirty, bothering, getting sick, learning, besidespersonalizingyour name, clothes, room and you can play withit.

The game does not have internal purchases, everything ispurchasedthrough the points system you earn when you attendyourBaketure.


* It has a store with various accessories and rooms that you canbuyyour creature. These will eventually be expanded with updatesforfurther customization.

* There are 6 main functions to attend to your monster:Music,Healing Lightning, Food, Reading, Bath and Light forsleeping. Youcan also calm him with a touch and caress himlightly.

*You can leave your pet with their activities by pressing the"HOME"button on your phone, your Baketure will notify you if youneedsomething with a notification and sound.

*Take screenshots to publish later (Depending on yoursmartphonemodel, the image can be saved automatically in your imagegalleryor in the application data folder).

Enjoy your company if you have peculiar tastes that do not fitwithother pets. Thank you for purchasing your Baketure andhavefun!

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