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WinRAR Version 5.50
Quote:               WinRAR - What's new in the latest version

  Version 5.50

  1. WinRAR and command line RAR use RAR 5.0 archive format by default.
     You can change it to RAR 4.x compatible format with "RAR4" option
     in archiving dialog or -ma4 command line switch.
     If you prefer RAR 4.x format by default, use "Create default..."
     button on "Compression" page of WinRAR settings and set "RAR4"
     in the displayed dialog.

     This change affects only new clean installs. If you already saved
     RAR format in the default compression profile in previous versions,
     WinRAR respects stored settings.
  2. Use "Set master password" button in "Organize passwords" dialog
     to encrypt saved password records and protect them from unauthorized
     If saved passwords are protected with master password, you need to
     enter the master password and press "OK" in password prompt to access
     them. If entered password does not match the master password,
     it is treated as a usual password for archive operations.

     Once entered, the master password is valid until WinRAR is closed.
     Close WinRAR and open it again after specifying the master password
     if you wish to see how protection works. Enter a valid and then
     empty master password to remove encryption from previously protected
     password records.

     This WinRAR version uses a new data format for password organizer,
     so passwords stored in "Organize passwords" dialog are not readable
     by older versions. It does not affect archive encryption formats
     and encrypted archives are compatible with previous WinRAR version.
     Organizer data is converted to a new format only when you save it
     and not immediately after installing WinRAR.

  3. Prompt proposing to set the master password is displayed
     when storing a password in compression profile. You can enter
     the master password to encrypt password data stored in Registry
     and protect it from unauthorized access. You will need to enter
     the master password in password prompt dialog to access
     such compression profile after that.

     Once entered, the master password is valid until WinRAR is closed.
     Close WinRAR and open it again after specifying the master password
     if you wish to see how protection works.

  4. By default, WinRAR uses AES-256 in CTR mode to encrypt ZIP archives.
     While AES-256 is significantly more secure than ZIP 2.0 legacy
     encryption algorithm, it can be incompatible with some older
     unzip software. If compatibility with such tools is required,
     you can enable "ZIP legacy encryption" option in the password
     dialog or use -mezl switch in the command line mode.
  5. Added extraction support for .LZ archives created by Lzip compressor.
  6. Modern TAR tools can store high precision file times, lengthy
     file names and large file sizes in special PAX extended headers
     inside of TAR archive. Now WinRAR supports such PAX headers
     and uses them when extracting TAR archives.

  7. New "Store modification time" option on "Time" page of archiving
     dialog can be used to prohibit storing the file modification time
     in RAR 5.x archives. Former "High precision modification time"
     option is replaced by "High precision time format".

  8. New "Full paths in title bar" option in "Settings/General" dialog.
     If enabled, the full path of currently opened folder or archive
     is displayed in WinRAR title bar.

  9. New "File types to open as archives first" option
     in "Settings/Compression". Here you can define how Enter
     or double click on a file with non-archive extension and archive
     contents should be processed in WinRAR file list in file
     management mode. Examples of such files are .docx or self-extracting
     .exe archives. You can instruct WinRAR either to open such files
     as archives first or to execute or open them in associated programs.

     Default settings are to open self-extracting exe and to run
     other types of archives with non-archive extension.

     Regardless of these options, you can always open any such
     archive file by pressing Ctrl+PgDn on its name in WinRAR file list.

     Default folders for archives and extracted files are moved
     from "Settings/Compression" to "Settings/Paths".

 10. New "Copy full names to clipboard" command in "File" menu
     places full names of selected files to clipboard.      

 11. Changes in the context menu displayed when right clicking
     the file list in WinRAR:

     a) several commands, which are also present on the toolbar
        or in main menu, such as "View" and "Repair", are removed
        from this context menu;

     b) "Copy full names to clipboard" command is added;

     c) "Run" for executables, "Open in associated application"
        for associated files and "Show archive contents" for archives
        are added. They allow to choose a way to process SFX archives
        and archive files with non-archive extensions.

        These items are present only in the file management mode
        and are not available inside of archives.

 12. LZ and ZIPX are added to list of associations in Settings/Integration

 13. LZ and ZIPX extensions are added to default list of formats for
     -ms switch ("Specify file types to store") invoked without parameters.

 14. You can specify 'f' charset value in -sc switch to use UTF-8
     encoding. For example:

     rar a -scfl arcname @filelist.txt

     to read contents of filelist.txt as UTF-8 text.

 15. RAR "lt" and "vt" commands display file times with nanosecond
     precision. Such precision is used in RAR5 archives created
     by RAR/Unix 5.50 and newer. Archives created by WinRAR have 100ns
     file time precision.

 16. Only '+', '-' and '1' precision modifiers are supported
     in -ts switch now. Use '+' to store the file time with maximum
     precision, '-' to omit the file time and '1' to store it with
     1 second precision. Intermediate precision modes previously
     defined with '2' and '3' modifiers are not available in RAR 5.0
     archive format and ignored by -ts switch.

 17. If a wrong password is entered when unpacking an encrypted file
     in RAR5 archive, WinRAR proposes to enter a valid password
     for same file again instead of aborting extraction.
 18. File path information is displayed if mouse pointer is placed over
     a name of archiving file in the operation progress window.

 19. Name of currently active compression profile is displayed
     in the archiving dialog above "Profiles..." button.

 20. If "Find" command is invoked from inside of archive subfolder,
     "File names to find" will include the path to this subfolder.
     So "Find" will search only starting from this subfolder.

 21. Bugs fixed:
     a) fixed crashes and security vulnerability when unpacking corrupt
        RAR archives;

     b) WinRAR failed to unpack files in ZIP archives compressed
        with XZ algorithm and encrypted with AES;
     c) if "Windows progress bars" option in WinRAR settings was turned off
        and "Put each file to separate archive" archiving mode was used,
        "gold" part of total progress bar did not display the compressed
        data ratio correctly;

     d) SFX archive extraction progress was incorrect in case of
        multivolume SFX archive with total volume size exceeding 4 GB;

     e) if archived folder name included trailing spaces, if user
        selected and extracted some folders in non-root archive folder
        and if "Allow potentially incompatible names" extraction option
        was turned off, WinRAR could lose one or more leading characters
        in extracted folder name;

     f) if only creation or only last access file time was stored in RAR5
        archive with 1 second precision, such as with -ma5 -tsm- -tsa1
        switches, this stored time was ignored when extracting.

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