08-10-2017 , 06:00 PM
https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/92ef5.../analysis/ SHA256: 92ef5010e7b198611b01d6bf879ef3272d4d575de1cfd598be5a9481dd7e0974
File name: Advanced_Uninstaller12.exe
Detection ratio: 1 / 63
Analysis date: 2017-08-10 09:50:35 UTC ( 6 hours, 47 minutes ago ) Rising Malware.Heuristic!ET#86% (rdm+) 20170810(false positive by Rising Security Company because I scanned this same software with Eset Internet Security & It Found No Malware Traces Of Any Kind In This Software) Copyright© Innovative Solutions
Product Advanced Uninstaller PRO
File version
Description Advanced Uninstaller PRO Setup
Comments This installation was built with Inno Setup.
Signature verification Signed file, verified signature
Signing date 9:33 AM 8/10/2017
[+] Innovative Solutions Grup SRL
[+] GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G3
[+] GlobalSign
Counter signers
[+] GlobalSign TSA for Advanced - G3 - 001-02
[+] GlobalSign Timestamping CA - SHA256 - G2
[+] GlobalSign
Packers identified
F-PROT INNO, appended VirusTotal metadata
First submission 2017-08-10 08:43:12 UTC ( 7 hours, 54 minutes ago )
Last submission 2017-08-10 09:50:35 UTC ( 6 hours, 47 minutes ago )
File names 92EF5010E7B198611B01D6BF879EF3272D4D575DE1CFD598BE5A9481DD7E0974.exe
Advanced_Uninstaller12.exe : http://www.innovative-sol.com/ Advanced Uninstaller PRO
A swiss army knife for PC users
Efficient utility, Advanced Uninstaller PRO quickly uninstalls any program you wish to remove from your computer. Over 25 tools help you perform numerous tasks, from cleaning history tracks and removing programs, plugins, and other items, to shredding files you don't want to be recovered. Complicated as it may sound, it is actually very easy to use so that even your grandma can clean up her computer.
advanced uninstaller PRO desktop screenshot
offers a more simplified uninstall process
installation monitor
leftover cleanup
virus scanner
browser tools
Works on Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 and Vista, both 32bit and 64bit : http://www.innovative-sol.com/about/ Innovative Solutions
Who is Innovative Solutions ? We are passionate software development company who works hard to offer you the best utility software.
Software engineers Dan Armano and Daniel Statescu founded Innovative Solutions in Bucharest, Romania, in 1997, specializing in developing security software and utilities for Windows. The company’s popular products like DriverMax, Advanced Uninstaller PRO or NeoSetup have attracted users worldwide making them very popular in countries such as USA, Canada, Brazil, Germany, France or the UK. Our apps are currently sold in more than 180 countries.
We design our products with the specific goal of providing you, our customer with as much value as possible, by offering top performance. We believe that software engineering is an extremely important process and hope that our products and services will expand innovation, benefits and opportunities for our users. Our goal is to create high-quality applications that fit our users' demands by having both logical and visually appealing user interfaces, coupled with well engineered software design and algorithms.
If you are searching for high quality Windows software, then you came to the right place.
File name: Advanced_Uninstaller12.exe
Detection ratio: 1 / 63
Analysis date: 2017-08-10 09:50:35 UTC ( 6 hours, 47 minutes ago ) Rising Malware.Heuristic!ET#86% (rdm+) 20170810(false positive by Rising Security Company because I scanned this same software with Eset Internet Security & It Found No Malware Traces Of Any Kind In This Software) Copyright© Innovative Solutions
Product Advanced Uninstaller PRO
File version
Description Advanced Uninstaller PRO Setup
Comments This installation was built with Inno Setup.
Signature verification Signed file, verified signature
Signing date 9:33 AM 8/10/2017
[+] Innovative Solutions Grup SRL
[+] GlobalSign CodeSigning CA - SHA256 - G3
[+] GlobalSign
Counter signers
[+] GlobalSign TSA for Advanced - G3 - 001-02
[+] GlobalSign Timestamping CA - SHA256 - G2
[+] GlobalSign
Packers identified
F-PROT INNO, appended VirusTotal metadata
First submission 2017-08-10 08:43:12 UTC ( 7 hours, 54 minutes ago )
Last submission 2017-08-10 09:50:35 UTC ( 6 hours, 47 minutes ago )
File names 92EF5010E7B198611B01D6BF879EF3272D4D575DE1CFD598BE5A9481DD7E0974.exe
Advanced_Uninstaller12.exe : http://www.innovative-sol.com/ Advanced Uninstaller PRO
A swiss army knife for PC users
Efficient utility, Advanced Uninstaller PRO quickly uninstalls any program you wish to remove from your computer. Over 25 tools help you perform numerous tasks, from cleaning history tracks and removing programs, plugins, and other items, to shredding files you don't want to be recovered. Complicated as it may sound, it is actually very easy to use so that even your grandma can clean up her computer.
advanced uninstaller PRO desktop screenshot
offers a more simplified uninstall process
installation monitor
leftover cleanup
virus scanner
browser tools
Works on Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 and Vista, both 32bit and 64bit : http://www.innovative-sol.com/about/ Innovative Solutions
Who is Innovative Solutions ? We are passionate software development company who works hard to offer you the best utility software.
Software engineers Dan Armano and Daniel Statescu founded Innovative Solutions in Bucharest, Romania, in 1997, specializing in developing security software and utilities for Windows. The company’s popular products like DriverMax, Advanced Uninstaller PRO or NeoSetup have attracted users worldwide making them very popular in countries such as USA, Canada, Brazil, Germany, France or the UK. Our apps are currently sold in more than 180 countries.
We design our products with the specific goal of providing you, our customer with as much value as possible, by offering top performance. We believe that software engineering is an extremely important process and hope that our products and services will expand innovation, benefits and opportunities for our users. Our goal is to create high-quality applications that fit our users' demands by having both logical and visually appealing user interfaces, coupled with well engineered software design and algorithms.
If you are searching for high quality Windows software, then you came to the right place.