07-12-2017 , 08:55 AM
We know that college/university is a big step forward in achieving your career goals and we want to help you meet everyday challenge in school with our productivity solutions. Furthermore, PDFelement would like to award $1000 scholarship to the students from any part of the world with a demonstrated interest in digital document processing skills. By sharing your story with PDFelement on YouTube , you are eligible to enter the contest to win the $1000 scholarship offered by PDFelement. Now let your creativity take flight!
The content and style of video is no limit. Let your creativity go wild!
All application must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. EST on September 30, 2017. Upon submission of all required application, entrants will receive a confirmation indicating his or her application has been received. The winner of the scholarship will be notified via phone or email during the second week of October 2017. We will announce the winner at the end of October, 2017.
Quote:Judging Criteria:
The PDFelement Scholarship Committee will evaluate each video submission and select one scholarship recipient based on the following criteria:
- 20% = Overall quality of video
- 20% = Creativity of ideas in video
- 30% = Relevance with PDFelement
- 30% = Engagements of the video (No. of views, likes and comments)
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