10-19-2016 , 09:52 PM
http://www.vso-software.fr/products/conv...istory.php Version History: ConvertXtoDVD
ConvertXtoDVD - (Released October 19th 2016)
- 0012159: [Bug] "Demo mode" for image enhancement doesn't works (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012119: [Bug] bars on side of menu preview look light grey, not dark grey (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012135: [Information] " VTS_01_0.IFO has been modified to keep DVD VIDEO compatibility" should not be happening (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012118: [Bug] editing items in menu editor item becomes pink and cannot be seen (felicia) - resolved.
ConvertXtoDVD - (Released October 19th 2016)
- 0012159: [Bug] "Demo mode" for image enhancement doesn't works (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012119: [Bug] bars on side of menu preview look light grey, not dark grey (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012135: [Information] " VTS_01_0.IFO has been modified to keep DVD VIDEO compatibility" should not be happening (cedric) - resolved.
- 0012118: [Bug] editing items in menu editor item becomes pink and cannot be seen (felicia) - resolved.