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BulkZip 7.5
ulkZip is a file compression and archiving tool. File compression helps you save digital resources. Digital resources are storage space, CPU load, and bandwidth. With proper file compression you can reduce the load on all these, eventually leading to a leaner, faster and more cost efficient IT environment.
Over the last decades many different compression algorithms came up. Each with a different background, for a specific purpose or tailored for a certain industry and usage. The challenges a user nowadays faces is to be able to access all these different compressed file types as well as to compress files at the highest most efficiency.
With a modern and easy-to-use interface, BulkZip provides support for common compressed and encoded formats (35+ file types). The software’s distinctive trait is its support of advanced compression algorithms and the employment of relevant tools. BulkZip ships with full Microsoft Windows integration and is localized in 10 languages.

BulkZip features exclusive algorithms for special compression assignments and is able to create and read all of the following:
Universal: BULK
Using a mix of LZMA2, PPMd and DEFLATE methods, the BULK compressor aims for solid compression ratios at decent speeds. It is BulkZip’s proprietary algorithm.
Backup: ZPAQ
ZPAQ is at the end of the *PAQ format evolution cycle and the most efficient. It has the ability to store incremental backups, e.g. multiple versions of the same file very efficient.
Raw Data: ARC (FreeArc)
Developed by a Russian mathematician, the FreeArc format compresses raw data like log files and databases fast and efficient.
Text: NZ (NanoZip)
NanoZip is a high-end algorithm that uses fine granular parallel compression algorithms for very speedy text and text-like compression
Multimedia: PJA (packARC)
PJA was developed in 2011 by German Hochschule of Aalen and Matthias Stirner. It can compress already compressed multimedia data like JPG and MP3 up to 35% more.
Day-to-day: ZIP, 7Z
Zip: Supported by many operating systems, this algorithm is well known for his compatibility.
7Zip: Strength and speed through
Admin related: TAR
Tar: This 1970’s tape archiving algorithm is still in use in admin environments.
GZ: The default compressor in Linux environments, old but efficient.
Allowing you to create archives that can be up to 3x times smaller in size than with comparable technology, BulkZip does not only feature the most advanced compression algorithms, but is also able to read and extract the vast majority of conventional file formats.
Major Features:
  • A strong and secure file compressor
  • Compression: Bulk, 7z, Arc, Nz, Pja, Tar, Zip, Zpaq
  • Extraction: Bulk, 7z, Ace, Arc, Arj, Bz2, Ear, Cab, Chm, Cramfs, Dmg, Gz, Img, Iso, Jar, Lha, Lzh, Lzma, Nz, Pja, Rar, Rar5, Tar, Tbz, Tgz, Txz, Uha, Uue, War, Wim, Xz, Z, Zip, Zipx, Zpaq
  • Encryption: AES-128, AES-256
  • Multivolume Archives
  • Self-Extracting Archives (SFX / SEA)
  • Archive Report
Minor Features:
  • Checksum: CRC32, MD-5, SHA-1, SHA-256, RIPEMD-160
  • Right-Click-Context Menu Integration
  • Compression Prognosis
  • Convert Archives
  • Archive Integrity Check
  • Password Strength Analyzer
  • Drag and Drop
  • Wizard Dialog
  • Auto Update
  • File Format Library
  • Multi-Language: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic
  • Works with Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP
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