04-05-2022 , 06:38 PM
Changes in
- "Notify me of new downloads via Notification Center" setting.
- "Ignore upload ratio limit" downloads context menu checkbox.
- Browser extension: Http Live Stream (HLS) downloads support added.
- ICY stream downloads support added.
- Minor interface improvements.
- Android: "Share link with FDM Browser" menu added.
- Android: Built-in web browser: a simple media grabber added.
- Fixed: too high memory usage due to downloads' previews images.
- Fixed: in some cases FDM could stop HTTP download with no resume support on its own.
- Fixed: various Http Live Stream (HLS) downloads bugs.
- Fixed: bug processing HTTP ETag.
- Fixed: various bugs converting media files to MP4/MP3.
- Fixed: browser extension could damage FDM settings (for runtime only).
- Fixed: various interface bugs.
- Fixed: macOS: random crashes when downloading/seeding.
- Fixed: Android: in some cases, FDM was not letting the user to download to the directories outside of its private folder.
- Fixed: Linux: bug moving files to trash.