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Project Veritas blows lid on Facebook’s global censorship of “vaccine hesitancy”
#1            Project Veritas blows lid on Facebook’s global censorship of “vaccine hesitancy”
05/26/2021 / By Ethan Huff /        Facebook is so determined to get everyone in the world “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) that it is now censoring all content that it deems as promoting “vaccine hesitancy” (VH).

Two whistleblowers recently came forward to tell their stories to Project Veritas, revealing that Facebook’s goal is to “drastically reduce user exposure” to comments and posts that question the “safety and efficacy” of Chinese Virus injections.

Facebook also launched an internal program to force a “decrease in other engagement on VH comments including create, likes, reports [and] replies.”

According to one of the whistleblowers, Facebook uses a tiered system to determine which content should be censored or buried, and to what degree. Anything categorized as “shocking stories,” even if they describe true events that “raise safety concerns” about the injections, is automatically demoted on Facebook.

“True events or facts” that cast a “negative” light on Wuhan Flu shots are considered by Facebook to be “misinformation” and are automatically hidden from view, the whistleblower explained.

Even if the information is authentic, verifiable, and could help someone avoid vaccine-induced injury or death, Facebook will no longer allow users to see it.

“They’re trying to control this content before it even makes it onto your page before you even see it,” the other Facebook insider added. “If I lose my job, it’s like, what do I do? But that’s less of a concern to me.”

Be sure to watch the full Project Veritas exposé on Facebook’s censorship of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) truth below:    There is no more free speech on Facebook

A leaked document outlining the “experimental launch” of the program explains how Facebook tested it out before the official launch to determine whether or not it was capable enough of capturing content for rapid disposal.

The document states that the experiment only applied to “comments that have also been created beneath vaccine-related posts,” which the social media giant has already been flagging with “disinformation” overlays for at least the past year.

Because many Facebook users are ignoring these overlays by continuing to share and comment on posts with truthful information about the dangers and ineffectiveness of Chinese Virus injections, the Mark Zuckerberg empire is upping the ante with this new targeted program against user comments.

“Comments are a major surface relevant to our B2V efforts,” the document further explains about the rationale behind the program.

“We estimate that the prevalence of VH comments in Authoritative Health Pages is 25.3% and for other pages 19.42%. Now that the v1 Vaccine Hesitancy classifier has been cleared for this usecase, reducing the visibility of these comments represents another significant opportunity for us to remove barriers to vaccination that users on the platform may potentially encounter.”

In essence, Facebook is still allowing its users to have “free speech” concerning Wuhan Flu shots. The caveat is that nobody else will get to see that free speech because Facebook is now secretly censoring it before others have the chance to see it.

“People aren’t allowed to have a voice, and yet Facebook touts itself with promoting people’s opportunity to have a voice,” one of the whistleblowers lamented.    Sources for this article include:

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