TextCrawler Giveaway (5 Licenses)
I need TextCrawler to search for files on hard drives and removable media, and to search for text inside files. The program offers a variety of settings that will allow you to perform a quick and accurate search.

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Instantly find and replace words and phrases in multiple files and folders
Extract text from a file
Support for regular expressions, allowing advanced users to perform complex searches
Fully Unicode compatible - search for ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16
i like to have its license
its can help me manage to log of some Bouncer driver
and it save time too

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Thanks a lot for the giveaway, tarekma7
I`m already using a software from DigitalVolcano and i must admit i like their work, very good quality software. As for the TextCrawler i really need it in my activity as i use a lot of wordings in my daily work and a mass correction or replacement is all i want to optimise my time spent arranging the documents. 

Would like to put this software on a real life test.

My share below:

Thanks for the contest, Find in Files is important during many scenarios, it will help me to locate the files easily and edit them. To enhance the search it is fully compatible with Unicode coupled with a character map.
This giveaway will close within 2 days. If you want to contribute, it's time to do
Thanks for the opportunity to win in this giveaway @tarekma7 and digitalvolcano Team Thumb

I do a lot of note taking using good old text files. So winning a license for TextCrawler will be very essential for optimizing my productivity and time-saving in finding words or regular expressions and be able to edit and replace those words in batches. 

Hoping to win and to try other essential features. Count me in Smile

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Giveaway close. Winners will be soon be announced 

Good luck for all
Congratulations to the winners

[Image: xsjpDsZ.png]

PM me within 3 days of winners announcement. Name and email address are required

Late or incomplete claim; you will lose your win and next winner in the list will be new winner
thank you so much and congrats to others winners Heart Heart Heart Hooray
pm sent

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