10-09-2020 , 09:35 PM
Happy birthday, Cool.
Every day we members get a gift from you when we log in to this forum that you were a major player in building --- and constantly keeping the technical aspects of the forum perking at levels of perfection.
*A personal note: --- On birthdays, I always think that the greatest gift we will ever get is being born. - The trouble is we are too young mentally to realize it then, so if we ever realize it later, it comes as an epiphany (striking realization) that this was the greatest gift the universe, which some call 'God,' could give us. - I believe the meaning of life is life itself and the opportunity to live forever because of, and with, The Lord Jesus and His Father. --- I always call my mother who is in her 80s and wish her happy birthday also because my birthday was the first time she gave birth to another human being.
--- I hope this is a rewarding day for you,
... your online friend, - Elijah Gale.