05-01-2018 , 09:01 PM
DriverMax - a real find for those who do not want or can not independently look for drivers. After downloading the program will automatically scan the computer and will collect full information about the drivers installed in the system. At the end, the program presents a full report on each driver, and provides comprehensive information on the date of creation, version, which device it uses.
The utility is able to reserve found drivers in a special folder, with the ability to install drivers from a saved copy after reinstalling the OS. DriverMax archives data to save space. Thus, after reinstalling the system, the necessary drivers will always be at hand and occupy the minimum space on the hard disk.
Thanks for giveaway
The utility is able to reserve found drivers in a special folder, with the ability to install drivers from a saved copy after reinstalling the OS. DriverMax archives data to save space. Thus, after reinstalling the system, the necessary drivers will always be at hand and occupy the minimum space on the hard disk.
Thanks for giveaway