02-24-2018 , 10:36 AM
Rocket Arithmetic: Times Tables
Quick, what is 8 times 7? Your kid can learntoanswer such questions effortlessly, with only a few minutesofpractice a day.
The Rocket doesn't waste your kid's time: it notices whichquestionsyour child finds hard or easy, and only drills the trickyones...unless the kid is getting frustrated from too many wronganswers, inwhich cases it tosses a few softballs before gettingback tobusiness.
What the Rocket doesn't do (yet) is teach multiplicationfromscratch. What is will do is take your kid from "I get it...Iguess" to "this is easy!"
Creative Commons Attributions: "Rocket Ship" by Jonathan Li,"Login"by LAFS, RU, "Play" by Numero Uno, "Gauge" by RobertoChiaveri, allfrom www.thenounproject.com
Quick, what is 8 times 7? Your kid can learntoanswer such questions effortlessly, with only a few minutesofpractice a day.
The Rocket doesn't waste your kid's time: it notices whichquestionsyour child finds hard or easy, and only drills the trickyones...unless the kid is getting frustrated from too many wronganswers, inwhich cases it tosses a few softballs before gettingback tobusiness.
What the Rocket doesn't do (yet) is teach multiplicationfromscratch. What is will do is take your kid from "I get it...Iguess" to "this is easy!"
Creative Commons Attributions: "Rocket Ship" by Jonathan Li,"Login"by LAFS, RU, "Play" by Numero Uno, "Gauge" by RobertoChiaveri, allfrom www.thenounproject.com