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GoalMantra - Goal Gamification
GoalMantra - Goal Gamification
$1.99 Free!

[Image: GxR3d-u2FcRpZ9XszBv-JYAfA4IqWfkvkZFo4cjy...9P=h310-rw]

"Security" first - We do goal gamification in secured way with only the friends you choose for a goal unlike other social media platforms. For same goal gamified by two persons, they both will see progress of each other but not the progress of friends of each other unless they turn out to be common goal buddies of both friends.

In this age where all closed one have spread out across globe, we are making an attempt to connect older parents with their daughter and sons far away from them, connect cousins, connect friends in a meaningful way and help each other to lead a balanced successful life. A son and dad can track each other e.g. on a Goal - "Exercise", cousins can help each other in "Improve vocabulary" goal, friends can work on a goal - "Laugh out loud once a day", disciples of a spiritual leader can work on common goal - "Meditation", a coach can gamify the goal of "Practice juggling" for soccer team players.

The app anchors around a goal and comes with various features:

- Create your own goal, set reminders to get notified, track them, log and view values/comments related to goal.
- There is a modest version of goal library. You can adopt a goal from library as your own goal with a simple click.
- You can edit/delete/archive by left swipe on the goal in the dashoboard.
- You can pull back archived goals as active goal with a simple click.
- You will have access to inspiring blogs from Goal Mantra from within the app and get Goal Mantra boosts.
- You can invite friend(s) i.e. goal buddies to a goal and see how your friends are tracking against same goal.
- Trigger a chat with a friend or all of your goal buddies.

We want to express our gratitude to Google for enabling all the services to make this android app a reality. Android Studio, Material Design, Firebase, Blogger, inspirational articles on Google and Youtube and a big android community all deserve a big shout out.

The concept is intended to improve the quality of life and we would love your feedback around the concept. We understand that there is lot of room to improve aesthetics and your experience. Our motto is "Focus, Connect, Inspire and Grow together".

Messages In This Thread
GoalMantra - Goal Gamification - by comphelp - 12-30-2017 , 09:45 PM

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