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Calculator Quick Settings Tile
Calculator Quick Settings Tile

[Image: tvehW1VjiUjrJ74lF7KK2CzdrdH-WEGIFkEfAU0c...A8=h310-rw]

While editing the quick settings, drag the tile into the top surface to use it.
To open the floating calculator, tap the icon in the Quick Launch toolbar.
The calculator can be moved by dragging across the entire screen.
You can use the calculator for simple additions,
Use subtractions, multiplications, and divisions, while apps can continue to be used in the background as normal.

Open the settings to choose from 4 background colors, choose whether the calculator should automatically become transparent when apps are used in the background and many other settings.
The computer also has a button that can be used to start the standard Android standard machine, for to solve longer, more complicated tasks.

This simple app has been engineered to blend in optimally with the operating system, with a clean user interface,
considerable small details and simple but useful animations.

Messages In This Thread
Calculator Quick Settings Tile - by comphelp - 12-26-2017 , 10:27 AM

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