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WannaCelebrate: What you Need to Know about WannaCry

Published on May 19, 2017
What is the must know information to keep you protected against the global WannaCry ransomware campaign? Travis Smith will dig into how this ransomware campaign differs from those which came before it. While this specific piece of malware has done some novel things in regards to propagation, there are quite a few mistakes which were made as well.

In this webcast, learn what you can do to prevent infections as well as what your options are if faced with a ransom note:
- How WannaCry spreads and why it has been so successful
- What you can do to protect your assets
- Who’s behind these attacks
- What can we expect in the coming days, weeks months and how can we prepare ourselves

Messages In This Thread
WannaCelebrate: What you Need to Know about WannaCry - by baziroll - 05-20-2017 , 02:32 PM

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