09-20-2016 , 10:05 PM
Update - Well it does not look like GOM Cam is off to a good start for me. The installation seemed to have gone fine, no errors reported. GOM Cam also installed DirectX and Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) with no problems. However when I launched GOM Cam, I got this...
During the setup, there was also a very quick popup of a command prompt window...
The error opens up a link to http://cam.gomlab.com/faq.gom which is an FAQ for GOM Cam, but can't find that error.
My 2 cents - All the years of installing multitude of software, I have never had software not work right out of the gate. I have also never seen this kind of error message before. Running 64-bit Windows 10 build 14393.187 fully updated. I did send the developer my details and screenshots, I will have to wait and see what they say.