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[Image: scan2encrypt-2.png]

Is there anything less secure than a confidential document just left laying out for everyone to see? If you really want to protect your sensitive information, you need to a) convert it to a digital format and b) encrypt it. Lucky for you, you can do both of those things with today’s discount software promotion, Scan2Encrypt from BinaryNow!
Scan2Encrypt lets you scan documents and images into secure PDF files that are searchable and encrypted with the latest 256-bit AES protocol. With Scan2Encrypt, you’ll be able to merge multiple images or documents into a single PDF file. Best of all, the permissions are embedded into the PDF document, so your file will continue to be protected even if uploaded to the Internet.
Scan2Encrypt even offers support for saving encrypted PDF documents directly to Dropbox cloud storage or emailing them using Outlook! Throw in direct integration with PDF Impress Tools, and you’ll wonder how you ever got by without Scan2Encrypt before! The new redaction tool integrated in Scan2Encrypt allows permanent deletion of sensitive content. Built in OCR (optical character recognition) converts scan or photo with text into searchable text in PDF. Default language support includes English, German, French and Spanish, more languages can be added on.

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Scan2Encrypt - by asus73 - 08-24-2016 , 09:07 AM

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