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Audio Control 4
[Image: Audio-Control-Standard-View.bmp?9937]

software utility for control of the computer audio volume, and is an improved substitution for the standard Windows Volume control. Audio Control inspects the host system for audio devices and displays them, and their audio controls, in a manner that is most convenient to view and operate. Ergonomic and functional, Audio Control is designed to allow all kinds of customizations to save space on the work area of the screen and on the taskbar, and at the same time allow the user to operate the sound devices on the system in the easiest and most efficient way possible. Audio Control is particularly useful for its ease of access interface, idling features and improved precission. Audio Control saves to users on average 8 hours a year due to the faster and easier way to adjust the audio volume.
Audio Control has three operation modes:
  • Fixed – Audio Control behaves as a typical application remaining visible until closed.

  • Agile – Audio Control disappears when the mouse is moved over it, allowing direct access to the window underneath, and reappears as soon as the mouse is moved away. This allows direct use of the window behind Audio Control. Press and hold down the “Ctrl” key to make Audio Control stay in place.

  • Disappear at Idle User – in this operation sub-mode Audio Control hides itself a few moments after the user input becomes idle. This behavior is useful when watching films on a computer.

Audio Control has six view modes:
  • Standard View Mode – all audio destination lines for teh selected audio device are displayed.

  • Minimal 2 View Mode – Audio Control displays one audio destination line in a single window with at least two mixer entries and a control titles bar.

  • Minimal 1 View Mode – Audio Control displays one audio destination line in a single window with at least one mixer entry.

  • Minimal 1 L (with Lines) View Mode – same as the Minimal 1 View Mode, but there is a dropdown list to select the desired audio destination line of the selected audio device.

  • Minimal 1 LM (with Lines and Mixers) View Mode – same as the Minimal 1 L (with Lines) View Mode but there is also a dropdown list allowing the selection of audio device to control.

  • Minimal 1 F (Fader Only) View Mode – Audio Control displays only the fader controls of one audio destination line. Smallest and most convenient use.

Device Name Mapping – Audio Control allows assigning of custom names to the audio devices on the system. This is helpful when a system has multiple audio devices for eaier and faster identification by the user.
All features and control opearations are available for all view modes either through controls or the context menu.
Audio Control can save about 8 seconds per audio volume adjustment in compare to the standard Windows volume control. In one year this comes to approximatelly 8 hours saved time if a user adjusts the audio volume 10 times a day.

Messages In This Thread
Audio Control 4 - by tarekma7 - 06-06-2016 , 11:38 AM

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