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Android on Windows 11
From Android authority: 
Using Google Play Store on Windows 11
The rest of the usage will be similar to using Play Store on a phone or an emulator. Just search for the app, and download it. Note that this is still a very early-stage method, so you’re likely to run into issues. For example, on our test machine, the text in some of the apps appears wobbly.
However, there’s great potential here. It will take a few months for a stable version to hit Windows 11 systems, but when it happens, it will outperform most emulators, if not the native version, then the developer-modded versions that we’ll see for sure. Stay tuned for more.


Messages In This Thread
Android on Windows 11 - by deathsmear - 10-15-2022 , 05:43 AM
RE: Android on Windows 11 - by scolli23 - 10-16-2022 , 04:24 PM

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