02-16-2022 , 03:35 AM
VueScan 9.7.78
What’s new in VueScan 9.7.78:
DOWNLOAD VueScan Trial for Windows 64-bit
DOWNLOAD VueScan Trial for Linux 32-bit
DOWNLOAD VueScan Trial for Linux 64-bit
DOWNLOAD VueScan Trial for Mac OS X 32-bit
DOWNLOAD VueScan Trial for Mac OS X 64-bit
What’s new in VueScan 9.7.78:
- Added to right-click menu popup on thumbnails
- Rotate Right, Rotate Left, Flip and Delete have three options
- ‘This page’ acts on the page selected with a right-click
- ‘Selected pages’ acts on all selected pages
- ‘All pages’ acts on all pages
- ‘This page’ acts on the page selected with a right-click
- Reverse, Interleave, Separate and Swap even/odd act on all pages
- Rotate Right, Rotate Left, Flip and Delete have three options
- Added multi-selection of thumbnails
- Multi-select using shift key and Up/Down/PageUp/PageDown/Home/End keys
- Multi-select using shift key and clicking with mouse
- Add to selection using control key (command key on Mac) and clicking with mouse
- Reset selection using Up/Down/PageUp/PageDown/Home/End keys
- Reset selection by clicking on a thumbnail
- Multi-select using shift key and Up/Down/PageUp/PageDown/Home/End keys
- Fixed problem with drag/drop of thumbnails on Linux
- Improved scrolling of thumbnails when dragging near top/bottom
- Fixed problem finding some networked scanners (mDNS scanners)
DOWNLOAD VueScan Trial for Windows 64-bit
DOWNLOAD VueScan Trial for Linux 32-bit
DOWNLOAD VueScan Trial for Linux 64-bit
DOWNLOAD VueScan Trial for Mac OS X 32-bit
DOWNLOAD VueScan Trial for Mac OS X 64-bit