12-01-2020 , 12:45 AM
01.12.2020 - DriverMax 12:
Keep your computer up-to-date, efficient and stable with DriverMax.
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Keep your computer up-to-date, efficient and stable with DriverMax.
Problems with the PC are often caused by old and not updated drivers. If the drivers on the system are up to date, the computer or notebook runs smoothly. If only a certain driver is missing or is perhaps outdated, the performance drops rapidly. In the worst case, serious malfunctions, graphics problems or problems with printers, scanners, etc. can result.
Bring your computer up to date with DriverMax! PC problems are a thing of the past. DriverMax is a comprehensive collection of drivers that is constantly updated and kept up to date by a professional team. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can update your computer and give it back its full performance.
The software runs on Windows 7, 8 and 10.
How to start: In order to be able to use the software as a free full version, you must first activate it via the manufacturer's activation page. To do this, follow the link: drivermax.de/za-pcwelt-wk2-1hm and register.
Please note: The software should be saved and registered on the same day. A claim at a later date is not envisaged.
We check every software extensively with several virus scanners. Even so, it does happen every now and then that an AV program reports a malware threat. This is usually a false alarm. You can be sure that the software you download from pcwelt.de is virus-free.
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