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Windows 10: The end of local accounts?
Quote: By now, you've probably noticed that Microsoft would love nothing more than for us Windows users to link our Windows PCs to Microsoft online accounts.
Our only way out: offline accounts. And while Microsoft never tire of reminding us of the many benefits of a Microsoft account, like better access to Office 365, Xbox Live and the Microsoft Store (for us and a wealth of personal data for them), they've grudgingly tolerated local accounts for years. 

This practice may soon come to and end though! 

Starting with Windows 10, Microsoft left no stone unturned to entice users to join the always-online bandwagon, extolling the virtues of goodies like full OneDrive access, Cortana and remote locking and wiping of Windows 10 devices. Online accounts were supposed to make everything better. 


Messages In This Thread
Windows 10: The end of local accounts? - by sidemoon - 03-08-2020 , 03:16 PM

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