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Promo2day Contest Cybergenic Shade Sandbox Enterprise Giveaway: Virtualize apps and Protection against
Thanks tarekma7, promo2day and Cybergenic for the giveaway for Shade Sandbox Enterprise.

I have not previously heard of Shade Sandbox until reading the promo2day review and giveaway.  I have used sanboxie in the past. It would be great to win a license to secure my Windows laptop.

The reason I would like to win a license is :-
The virtualization means Malware etc  gets trapped inside the sandbox. Keeping the Operating system clean. Virtualize Apps (Shade Sandbox) protects from malware, Zero-day threats, ransomware, worms, Trojans, and many other exploits. A single anti virus program is not enough. Shade Sandbox Enterprise would keep each applications safe from the others and from the OS.




Messages In This Thread
RE: Cybergenic Shade Sandbox Enterprise Giveaway: Virtualize apps and Protection against - by vietnamrum - 02-23-2020 , 11:41 AM

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