01-25-2020 , 03:35 PM
Why do I need a license for Cybergenic Shade Sandbox?
Because I am always looking for the best defensive software applications to defend my computer and valuable private information against "bad actors" trying to invade or foul up my operating system and files. ... I just read yesterday on a website that is regarded as an authority on such matters that traditional anti-malware software is not fast enough to stay ahead of all the malware threats being thrown at the world by these "bad actors." ... The writer's answer to this dilemma was to procure the best proactive sand-box software. I was very happy today to see our forum administrator Tarekma7 begin this contest offering such great software, Cybergenic Shade Sandbox.
*Thank you tarekma7 for putting together this contest and writing such a great review of Cybergenic Shade Sandbox.