12-31-2019 , 12:26 AM
Total Commander 9.50 Beta 11
30.12.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 11
30.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme: Moving mouse cursor away from combobox sometimes didn't change the border from focused to normal (32/64)
30.12.19 Fixed: ESC in F5 copy dialog caused an unwanted beep from Windows 10 1909 (64)
30.12.19 Fixed: Internal associations: when using **internal_sha as "open" command, also allow the extension in menu Files - Verify checksums (32/64)
29.12.19 Fixed: Unpacking RAR with Alt+F9 didn't unpack directory attributes like "hidden", which worked when unpacking with F5 from open archive (32/64)
29.12.19 Fixed: Unlock or permanently lock tab which was set to "locked with directory changes allowed" in a different directory -> change tab header to that new directory name (32/64)
24.12.19 Fixed: Some buttons like F7/F8 buttons in copy dialog (F5) were still dark after starting with dark mode, using F5 once, and then switching to normal mode (Windows 10 1903) (32/64)
24.12.19 Fixed: Find files, F2 search in found files/folders: 'Everything' option must be ignored, it could lead to duplicate search results when nested directories were in the previous results (32/64)
23.12.19 Fixed: GDI leak (font) when opening and closing any dialog with comboboxes to which WM_SETFONT was sent (bug in Windows 10 1909 but not 1803) -> explicitly delete the edit box part with DestroyWindow (64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color, Windows 7, default theme: Preview of synchronize dirs selection text color for equal items was wrong, should be white on blue (32/64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Wrong color of "default" item when the list was open but the "default" item wasn't focused (32/64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Edit/View: Don't draw vertical separator as line, instead draw two overlapping boxes side by side to fix overlapping lines (32/64)
20.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View Mode: "Additional sort orders" picker added wrong numbers 3, 4 etc. for custom columns instead of 101, 102 etc. (32/64)
20.12.19 Fixed: Compare by content: results still couldn't be scrolled with the mouse wheel when using the option "Scroll inactive windows when I hover them" was enabled while Total Commander's main window was in the foreground (32)
20.12.19 Fixed: cm_RereadSource with parameter didn't work combined with other commands, e.g. cm_FocusTrg,cm_RereadSource 2 in internal command (32/64)
20.12.19 Added: Internal associations: **internal_sha uses internal "Verify checksums" function for user-defined types, e.g. for *.sha256sum (context menu: only first selected) (32/64)
Size: 206 KB
DOWNLOAD Total Commander 9.50 Beta
30.12.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 11
30.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme: Moving mouse cursor away from combobox sometimes didn't change the border from focused to normal (32/64)
30.12.19 Fixed: ESC in F5 copy dialog caused an unwanted beep from Windows 10 1909 (64)
30.12.19 Fixed: Internal associations: when using **internal_sha as "open" command, also allow the extension in menu Files - Verify checksums (32/64)
29.12.19 Fixed: Unpacking RAR with Alt+F9 didn't unpack directory attributes like "hidden", which worked when unpacking with F5 from open archive (32/64)
29.12.19 Fixed: Unlock or permanently lock tab which was set to "locked with directory changes allowed" in a different directory -> change tab header to that new directory name (32/64)
24.12.19 Fixed: Some buttons like F7/F8 buttons in copy dialog (F5) were still dark after starting with dark mode, using F5 once, and then switching to normal mode (Windows 10 1903) (32/64)
24.12.19 Fixed: Find files, F2 search in found files/folders: 'Everything' option must be ignored, it could lead to duplicate search results when nested directories were in the previous results (32/64)
23.12.19 Fixed: GDI leak (font) when opening and closing any dialog with comboboxes to which WM_SETFONT was sent (bug in Windows 10 1909 but not 1803) -> explicitly delete the edit box part with DestroyWindow (64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color, Windows 7, default theme: Preview of synchronize dirs selection text color for equal items was wrong, should be white on blue (32/64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Wrong color of "default" item when the list was open but the "default" item wasn't focused (32/64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Edit/View: Don't draw vertical separator as line, instead draw two overlapping boxes side by side to fix overlapping lines (32/64)
20.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View Mode: "Additional sort orders" picker added wrong numbers 3, 4 etc. for custom columns instead of 101, 102 etc. (32/64)
20.12.19 Fixed: Compare by content: results still couldn't be scrolled with the mouse wheel when using the option "Scroll inactive windows when I hover them" was enabled while Total Commander's main window was in the foreground (32)
20.12.19 Fixed: cm_RereadSource with parameter didn't work combined with other commands, e.g. cm_FocusTrg,cm_RereadSource 2 in internal command (32/64)
20.12.19 Added: Internal associations: **internal_sha uses internal "Verify checksums" function for user-defined types, e.g. for *.sha256sum (context menu: only first selected) (32/64)
Size: 206 KB
DOWNLOAD Total Commander 9.50 Beta