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O&O Defrag 23: Increased PC speed and Optimize Hard Disks
Why do I want to win a lifetime license for O&O Defrag vr.23?

Because I am always looking for a faster and better way to make my computer's system run/operate faster. ... And, I believe O&O Defrag vr.23 will achieve that. Smile

Some of the many features mentioned above that I like:
1. Faster system and program starts
2. Boot Time defragmentation
3. Prevents new fragmentation from occurring

My media share link for this contest.

*Many thanks to the O&O Team for sponsoring this contest and to forum administrator Tarekma7 for putting it together. Thumb

Messages In This Thread
RE: O&O Defrag 23: Increased PC speed and Optimize Hard Disks - by divinenews - 10-16-2019 , 03:28 PM

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