10-06-2019 , 02:10 PM
AirVPN Halloween 2019 Giveaway
AirVPN is the only VPN in the world which transparently lets anyone access a servers monitor on the www, updated every 60 seconds, to check the infrastructure status and verify that we respect our no-overselling and guaranteed allocated bandwidth commitments stated in the ToS. This is an assurance to all customers and users to stay true to it's commitments.
AirVPN provides features which might go unnoticed to the masses but which are important, such as separate entry and exit IP addresses on every VPN server to prevent some correlation attacks, typical on VPNs with a shared IP which is used both as entry and exit-IP address.
AirVPN is "tiny"if compared to the giants of the VPN sector, but a small "miracle" in consideration of the no-security-compromise policies:
- no PPTP,
- no whistles and bells to mislead gullible customers,
- no investments in advertising,
- harsh contrasts against a project of sharing data with an association of VPN operators "to prevent frauds and improper use of the services", boycott from several ISPs due to our no-compromise network neutrality and privacy policy,
- no bribes for favorable reviews in some web sites.
Five (5) winners will each receive one (1) year AirVPN account
PS: Who has problems with authorization on the forum, use Firefox.