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(01-27-2018 , 09:59 AM)comphelp Wrote: Letters Train
![[Image: KY9JX7sF38wD0-ZelNQeYpHw4WFKlf45odLkKz95...zQ=h310-rw]](
The "Letters Train" is an educational game created for children to learn them how to write letters.
Fun is enchanced with images and a child voice reading letters and words.
Your child can also play a QUIZ so that it can recognize letters even better.
A Great game, created for your child to enter the Letters World !
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(03-16-2018 , 10:30 AM)comphelp Wrote: Match 3 Amazon PRO
![[Image: w3NC5_IWG6UItynveJaVWbS4wQk5eRcirY3uq7tl...dU=h310-rw]](
Don’t be a couch potato! Take a captivating journey to the Amazon River valley together with a courageous explorer and his companion. Amazing scenery, mysterious symbols on ancient stones, and a well-known but still captivating game play are guaranteed to entertain you for hours.
Numerous levels with a lot of specifics and objectives are full of catchy mini games and various bonuses and will take all your prowess and wits to complete.
Playing alone feels boring? Invite your Facebook friends, compete with them in three-in-a-row games, and watch their in-game progress and position on the game map.
For new players are videoguides are available that cover basic game tactics and rules.
• No hidden payments
• Fabulous graphics
• Cool sound and visual effects
• Numerous quests to tackle
• Unique levels with mini games
• Playing with friends on the same map
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(02-13-2018 , 08:30 PM)comphelp Wrote: New Math Puzzles for Geniuses 2018
![[Image: LDS37IqiACGZJ7BkU6VLoqkjCPFLQ0TyF-gcx7ZK...zJ=h310-rw]](
Math Puzzles is a simple game that will make you think and find hidden patterns in the challenges, in order to find the solutions. This game helps in enhancing your
- Analytical skills
- Logical thinking
- Memory
- Out of the box thinking
- Mathematical knowledge
This game contains 63 challenging brain teasers. Each brain teaser offers a different and unique challenge which forces the user to think in unconventional way.
Please leave us an assessment, feedback and let us know what you think about the applications. We want to continue to create some of the best applications for Android devices in the future. Your feedback will play a big role in improving applications and future updates.
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(02-11-2018 , 10:27 AM)comphelp Wrote: Lost Journey (Dreamsky)
![[Image: 97Sgnz9VLyBMlxR6ULdGHFX9CCGvT0lJeLeS26oY...yk=w300-rw]](
"Lost Journey" is a puzzle game of spaceexploration, we have received:
"2015 IndiePlay Best Mobile Game" nomination
"2014 Imagine Cup" award in China
"2014's most anticipated ID @ Xbox game"
On a Journey… Lost, but not without Hope
An angel of heaven comes to Jennifer in the form of a butterfly.This plane of existence mirrors the serene world she left behind,but there are secrets – memories – hidden here. As Jennifercollects the shards of her memories, she confronts many trials, butthe happy memories and her strength of spirit solidify her resolve,spurring her onward. With her guide at her side, Jennifer siftsthrough time and space, reverses gravity, and does the otherwiseimpossible to find her happiness and her way back to heaven.Jennifer will uncover the truth; she will reach the end of her LostJourney.
The serene music and uplifting backgrounds in Lost Journeyconvey hope and beauty even in the journey after death. ThroughJennifer, players realize that their own strength of spirit willcarry them through their own trials in life, and ultimately allowthem to reach the end of any Lost Journey.
【Game Features】
- Nomination of Best China IndiePlay Game
-Colorful, soulful artwork draws players into the story andjourney.
-Players can literally ‘flip’ the scene to expose new paths andopportunities.
-Reverse Gravity, Bend Time, Manipulate Space… this reality is notas straightforward as it appears!
-Music nicely compliments the Asian setting and relaxed feel of thegame.
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Math Challenges PRO 2018 – Puzzles for Geniuses
Objective of the game is to find patterns hidden in the puzzle in order to arrive at the solution. This game helps in enhancing your
- Observation skills
- Logical reasoning
- Out of the box thinking
- Mathematical knowledge
This Math Challenges PRO 2018 game contains 80 challenging brain teasers. Each brain teaser offers a different and unique challenge which forces the user to think in unconventional way.
Play these puzzles with your friends to see who can solve the puzzles faster.
Please leave us an assessment, feedback and let us know what you think about the applications. We want to continue to create some of the best applications for Android devices in the future. Your feedback will play a big role in improving applications and future updates.
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(02-17-2018 , 06:42 PM)comphelp Wrote: The Zamazingo - Dark Adventure Land
![[Image: ofC2bZCyGf2KQxUI3DVdo_YGnb5dwaJLOHhnvvM5...G0=w300-rw]](
The Zamazingo is an atmospheric actionindieadventure platformer game.
There is trees , flowers. it's black-and-white land .Discoversecretaround , Try to survive !
Where is there? Are you lost?
Recover The Time , Escape the darkness !
Last thing that I remember is an old TV.
Are there only two colours , black? white?
There is too Dark ,black-and-white world
I miss you Carolina, if only I didn't go
Discover secret around , Try to survive!
STORY: an airship was carrying a time machine. The time machinefelloff and crashed into a small village. Curious Mark went tocheck outthe crash.This was too wrong decision. When he arrivedthe oldhistorical-tv time machine kidnapped him and sent him toZamazingo.It is dimmed,colours are swirling. It is another timedimension.Escape this black-and-white land !
The Zamazingo is an atmospheric adventure indie platform game.Themain purpose of the game is to find the lost time machine. Youneedto find the time machine in order to escape thisfrightening,strange, gothic, and mysterious world.What a bad fate.There areonly two colors black and white. Avoid deadly traps.Escapespinning circular saws to survive . run off dangerous traps. Helpthe player! save boy!
⛥ Atmospheric world.mysterious puzzled mines ,weird invisibletrapsand caves.
⛥ Secret traps , obstacles , mystic forest , long trees ,smallforest , botanic flowers
⛥ inhabitant dwellers , physics-based gameplay
⛥ Light shines of dark sun , Beams into background , Runthroughtraps
⛥ Atmospheric astonishing graphics and musics ,
⛥ immersive audio-visual gaming experience
⛥ Nice game controllers , moody sound and music ,interestingmaps
⛥ Puzzling long adventuremap can be explore
⛥ Bad Fly birds , Dark landscapes , death traps ,silentinhabitants, bad trees and flowers
⛥ Horror , strange platform game , Artisticsilhouettegraphics
⛥ Designed for Android phones beautiful adventurer game
⛥ levels will come with updates
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Alien Adventure(FullVer)
Fantastic characters Familiar UIThere are no cute characters andviolent content at allIt is a game that you can enjoy simple andenjoyable from children to adultsCharacter skills change as thecharacter changes using itemsMake good use of each skill and mapelements, reach the destination
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Diamond Dino Premium
Are you hungry for adventure?
If your answer is yes,
Let's start the adventure.
Help the little dino to collect the diamond without getting caught.
Try to avoid the legendary monsters as much as you can because they will not let you go easily.
Smash and hit the pottery to get the diamonds inside.
Watch out for the crazy hungry fish.
Run as fast as you can don't let the flying monsters and the scary spiders catch you .
Watch Out for the magical traps.
Beware of falling into the water because the little dino can't swim.
Avoid the deadly crazy wheels and the wrecking balls or you will be smashed.
Do not let them make the brave dinosaur lose.
You will find an adventure in every cave.
If you like dinosaurs you will like this game.
Diamond Dino is an action adventure game install it now and enjoy the adventure.