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Microsoft to Retire Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Version 1607) Next Month Annivers
#1      Microsoft to Retire Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Version 1607) Next Month
Anniversary Update finally reaching end of support
Mar 14, 2018 09:56 GMT  ·  By Bogdan Popa ·  Share:      
Windows 10 Anniversary Update (version 1607) will reach the end of support in April, which means that systems that are still running it will no longer receive security updates beyond this point.

Microsoft recommends users to start planning the upgrade to a newer version of Windows 10, as both the Creators Update and the Fall Creators Update are still being supported. In addition, Microsoft is preparing the release of Redstone 4 (possibly called Spring Creators Update) next month.

“Windows 10 version 1607 (Anniversary Update) will reach end of service and receive its final security update on April 10, 2018. If you see a reminder that the latest version is ready to install, we recommend you follow the steps to pick a time that works best for you or update immediately,” the firm says.

Windows 10 Anniversary Update’s end of support takes place according to Microsoft’s 18 months of support policy, though it’s worth mentioning that security updates will continue to be released for computers enrolled in the LTSC (Long-Term Servicing Channel) available for enterprises.

Windows as a Service
Discontinuing older Windows 10 versions after 18 months is part of Microsoft’s Windows as a Service push which relies on a semi-annual channel with twice-per-year feature update releases.

This means that running the most recent Windows 10 version guarantees receiving continued support, though for enterprises, migrating to the latest release isn’t always an easy thing to do. With the Anniversary Update set to reach end of support, however, there’s only one option available: upgrade to a newer version or no longer get updates.

Obviously, Microsoft used this occasion to emphasize that Windows 10 Fall Creators Update “is the most secure version of Windows 10,” though it goes without saying that the same thing will be said about the upcoming Redstone 4 update as well.

Redstone 4 is projected to be finalized this month, with the gradual rollout to begin in April for users across the world.

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