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PAID Android Apps Giveaway
DroidSound Pro

[Image: 2BwPZ56rb7DyQHehMHz02Mrcqh3NloZ2kwk-H26o...fE=h310-rw]

DroidSound Pro is a sound manager which gives you the capability to change the different sound levels of your device.
It's a lightweight app that doesn't ask to much from your device.

The application has the possibility to save several personal profiles and to set the vibration settings.
More functions will be added in the future.
If you think something should be added to the app or there is a bug, you can contact us via
You may also contact us if you think you can translate the app to other languages.


Privacy is very important

- We do not collect your personal information
- The app does only what it is designed for: changing your audio settings

[Image: _jM_mbax0nFtx8WQNkkAA5lRqSCg5BmYSTT6QP4X...ZA=h310-rw]

HiBaby - the best tool for efficientbreastfeeding monitoring. The application keeps track of yournursing sessions, while you take care of your toddler. A single tapis enough to make HiBaby start measuring the length of feeding,show you which breast you last fed with, save the necessaryinformation, and take a note whether the baby was breast- orformula-fed.

Why should you keep track of feeding?
We know that you want your baby to grow in a healthy way. A lotdepends on how it's fed. The HiBaby app clearly displays feedingstatistics so that you can be sure that your baby gets food asoften as it needs it. Thanks to HiBaby you know that your breastsare emptied symmetrically, which will help you avoid stagnation,edema, and gain increased food production - adequate to the child'sneeds. Irregular and insufficient breast emptying causes a decreasein milk demand, and thus a decrease in lactation. In addition,incomplete emptying can cause breast disease. HiBaby will help youtake care of your and your child's health!

Going to the doctor? Night feeding? We have your back!
Our application is a place where you collect all the importantinformation, and when the doctor asks for data on feeding, you willbe able to easily provide all the collected notes and records. Youcan return to the collected statistics at any time by reviewing thewhole feeding history and selecting individual days.
In addition to the standard daytime theme, the app has a dedicatednight mode, during which the colors of the screen are subdued andthus easier on your and your child's eyes. All these features willallow you to have a wonderful time with your baby!
nFilter - Notifications in bubble

[Image: xVL6YmK_pEj6CYLKku0byPOtzRYzbZ00KQtgm9dq...Vx=h310-rw]

nFilter - Access notifications easily
nFilter - Block apps from sending notifications with single action

Top features of nFilter: 
☆ Direct reply
☆ Access notifications easily
☆ No need of notification bar
☆ Block all app notifications at one place with single action
☆ Saves time
☆ Small app
☆ No adds

☆ Give notifications access permission for nFilter
DetectIT PRO Device and Camera Detector

[Image: B2e0lnAjwFO-P4sbKl8dSFBwmqvQCd5LGFCb99d-...Dm=w300-rw]


DetectIT Hidden Device and Camera Detector PRO allows you to find hidden devices and cameras in your surroundings either by the use of Camera Detector feature of this app or by sensing the magnetic field of the electronic device. 
DetectIT Hidden Camera and Device Detector can also be used as a hidden camera detector.

- Detect Infrared device with camera detector and locator.
- If you see a white light which you cannot see with naked eye it may be an infrared camera.
- Detect hidden electronic devices by their magnetic field.
- Move your phone around in your surroundings; it will beep if there is a device.
- This app can also be used as a metal detector.
- Your phone will beep if it encounters a metal object.

Hidden Camera Detector and Device Detector PRO allows you to change the sensitivity of the readings. If you are getting high reading even when you are not close to any device you can just decrease the sensitivity. Or if you are getting too low reading you can increase the sensitivity as per your needs.

- DetectIT Hidden Camera Detector and Device Detector Pro use camera to enable you to find Infrared Camera. We do not collect any personal data.
- Internet permission is required for firebase analytics.

If the app crashes on camera feature just turn off other apps using camera and retry.

You need to have magnetic sensor for device and camera detection. 
If you don’t have a Magnetometer you can avail the feature of camera detector using our IR Camera Detector feature.

This app uses magnetometer sensor to detect objects based on their Radiation/magnetic field. Results may not be accurate. 

Rate and Share DetectIT PRO hidden device and camera detector in your circles.

Team Techno95
Inspirational Writer

[Image: 6ZfNtmIslrK7npAWM6wDFO4Q87zdAtrk4Tq7ylJS...LA=h310-rw]

Bored? Assignment ahead, and your mind is a blank? The Inspirational Writer is a simple and fun app that renders you random texts, to laugh at or inspire you to write better! Or both.
Chord Information

[Image: Jkn70Gotj1HLSAIACBSPSIu3LJznel_kHmZNdd6-...kA=h310-rw]

Quickly find the notes that make up a chord and also see other useful information.

* Show notes in the major and minor scales.
* Show chords related to the key.
* Shows the key signature.
* Uses standard note notation as taught in music school.
* Shows Chord Inversions
* Can be switched to simplified note notation.
* Can switch colours between dark and light palettes.
Instrument Transposer

[Image: XiN9lZRpUaeo_TauIRhljF6I98EOaMcE673DYHUH...dQ=h310-rw]

[img]Do you play with other musicians? Confused with tunings? Then you need this app! Simply select the tuning of the first instrument and key they are playing in. Next select the tuning of the second instrument. Instrument Transposer will instantly show you what key you need to play in. * Wide range of instruments to cover different tunings. * Quick and easy to operate. * Also shows both instrument's scales so you can quickly transpose music as needed. * Can be used portrait or landscape. * Bonus - Guitarists can use this to work out capo positions.[/img]
George Washington Quotes

[Image: vy3hT3tUQCrgYOcbLSoZsvpY1yVYUK1nVPvWUYME..._k=h310-rw]

An interesting application about the US president
Learn his biography
Read and teach his quotes, add to favorites that you liked
Also, download our applications with other US presidents
John Adams Quotes

[Image: 9A-qDdeJaXgn-oTADPu8jLOQsi1ehPcn5qzcByig...DG=h310-rw]

An interesting application about the US president
Learn his biography
Read and teach his quotes, add to favorites that you liked
Also, download our applications with other US presidents

[Image: 0ZiO3gGLtaZAfbmuWBBnTDP3hbAYce_GBGyhEGeO...w4=h310-rw]

Tap your screen repeatedly to quickly measure any tempo as a song rhythm or your heart rate in beats per minute (BPM)
• Are you a DJ or do you play music and you need to count the tempo of a song in BPM? Then this app is for you.
• Do you need to count any tempo in beats per minute? Then this app is for you.
• Press anywhere repeatedly to measure the BPM!

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