12-24-2017 , 03:33 PM
lol.... Idk what to write!!!
A few years back I used to be a big time software lover.... especially the ones related to security. But then life caught up to me and poof!!! my love for software took a backseat. I knew about this forum from its very early stage (from a friend of mine) but back then I had nothing to give back to this forum. And so I preferred to stay away. But right now I do have some time in hand. So let's see what can be done with it.......
A few years back I used to be a big time software lover.... especially the ones related to security. But then life caught up to me and poof!!! my love for software took a backseat. I knew about this forum from its very early stage (from a friend of mine) but back then I had nothing to give back to this forum. And so I preferred to stay away. But right now I do have some time in hand. So let's see what can be done with it.......