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AlterCam 3.9
[Image: 9e0b1caf9c830292796a9c2f3a18182d.png]

With AlterCam you can:

broadcast anything you want to a virtual webcam. You can broadcast your real webcam video with real-time effects applied, your desktop, video files, video from IP-cameras, etc.
record webcam video either with or without real-time effects. Hardware acceleration of .h264 encoding is supported, so your main CPU will not be overload.
apply sound effects and change your voice in real-time in your chats
add text overlays, images, and even another webcam video over your video feed using "Overlays"
apply one or several of the available effects to your video and have fun!
split your webcam video to several programs, forget that "webcam busy" error!

[Image: 82798a5723a1e8236e67207248d23d17.png]

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