10-08-2016 , 10:02 AM
DeskRule helps you find stuff on your desktop. Unlike other desktop search engines that are limited to simple filename or file content searches, DeskRule can search using any of the 300 available system properties, e.g. you can search for:
- Top Rated pictures
- Audio tracks by Artist
- PDF/Office documents by Tags, Author or contained keywords
- photos shot in Australia (GPS)
- photos of your kids (People)
- DLLs installed by Microsoft (Company)
- … and also search by plain Name and Content if you wish!
Here is an example of rich attribute search. Using a map helper DeskRule can find photos you shot anywhere in the world using geotags. If your pictures contain GPS longitude/latitude information, you can find pictures you did in New York or even in Central park
DeskRule can show a preview of the documents, pictures, media and other files found with all the attributes you queried for, helping you understand the results. It is fully shell integrated so you can act on the files found like in your windows explorer
DeskRule has a simple user interface. There are a number of demo videos available to help you make the most of the program.
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