06-11-2023 , 11:15 AM
[Tutorial]Revo Uninstaller Pro 5.1.5 Registration and Deactivation-Activation FIX.
Glasswire screenshots are from a separate program and have nothing to do with Revo uninstaller.
Revo Uninstaller Pro 5.1.5 Registration FIX.
Revo uninstaller calls the "ruplp.exe" for registration.
I got an LP, not responding message.
The solution is open the Revo Uninstaller installation folder.
Right-click "ruplp.exe" and click run as administrator.
Then open Revo Uninstaller and run the registration process.
License De-activation - Re-activation FIX
further down the document.
The solution is from:- (You Do not need to re-install the OS)
Another possible solution - running "reg_lp.bat" did not work for me.
License De-activation - Re-activation FIX
Revo uninstaller calls the "ruplp.exe" for registration De-activation and Re-activation.
I got an LP, not responding message.
The solution is open the Revo Uninstaller installation folder.
Right-click "ruplp.exe" and click run as administrator.
Then open Revo Uninstaller and run the registration process