05-07-2021 , 07:38 PM
IOS-14 & Swift-5 - The Complete iOS App Development Course | Udemy
Hello there,
Welcome to "IOS-14 & Swift-5 - The Complete iOS App Development Course".
Swift-5 is program language to create mobile applications for IOS. Apple released a of new features for developers at WWDC and with this course you are gonna learn everything you need to make awesome iOS 14 apps.
This course is for beginners. To be able to take this course, all you need is a Mac Computer. In this course we are going to focus on essentials. We are going to learn everything about IOS and Swift from scratch.
We will see very important topics for IOS development like routing, storyboard designs, running simulator on Mac. Besides that we will learn swift-5 basics. We are going to create different IOS apps. You are going to have chances to be able to practice with these apps.
I tried to tell all complex topics in very detail on the course. I used some diagrams to tell some important topics and created a different mobile applications.