04-20-2021 , 02:29 AM
Growth Hacking A-Z: Definitive Growth Hacking Strategy 2021 | Udemy
Do you want to grow extremely quickly without a lot of money? Do you wish your marketing investments produced exponential growth instead of petty marginal gains? Do you feel there are better ways to grow than just copying competitors? Are you looking for HUGE wins and EXPLOSIVE growth? This the course for you: the definitive guide to growth hacking!
This course is for truly ambitious entrepreneurs, marketers, and product managers who want to drive real IMPACT. This is NOT for people who want to hide in the corner of the office just to collect a paycheck. This is NOT for people looking for predictable marketing methods that everyone else is using. This course is for the bold movers and shakers on Udemy.
This is not your typical growth marketing course focused on tiny optimization techniques. This isn't just about easy-to-measure tweaks and A/B testing. This is about serious growth hacking that's a combination of creativity, fundamental principles, strategy, data, and bold decisions.