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O&O Defrag 23: Increased PC speed and Optimize Hard Disks
I have recently upgraded to windows ten, but my system has a slowdown; it starts very slowly and sometimes crashes.
I want my PC work like new and with a boost.O&O Defrag is a new software that optimizes the hard disk by increasing
your PC speed up to 100%.
It uses hardware friendly method SOLID/COMPLETE for defragmentation both in HDD & SSD.
O&O Defrag one most exciting feature is that it extends your hard disk life expectancy and also increases your data
recovery chances.
It has a simple User Interface that analyzes your system and Defrag. With O&O Defrag i can get maximum performance,
faster system and program starts on my Windows 10.USB sticks and memory cards are also supported.
It increases the security of your data, such as essential data. You can set O&O Defrag to run defragmentation on particular days of the week. It is also perfect for notebooks. One can choose the Defrag method according to his/her wishes.
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Why do I want to win a license for O&O Defrag 23?, because it is very good program for professional hard disk defradmentation. O&O Defrag 23 has several very useful functions:
Defragmentation of locked files.
Defragments individual files and folders.
Automatic background defragmentation.
Boot time defragmebtation.

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Currently I no good defragmenter on my computer, this would be so nice to help speed it up! Facebook share
O&O Defrag is better than the built in windows defragmenter and I like foll. features-
1) A total of nine defragmentation methods for any application scenario 
2) Support for USB sticks and memory cards 
Thanks for theGiveaway !
O&O Defrag 23 is a disk defragmenter which can optimize your hard disk and speed up your PC performance.
With the new defragmentation methods, it can extend the service life of hard disk and the built-in diskcleaner will search for and remove temporary and unnecessary files to provide more disk memory space and increase speed of fragmentation. It is advantageous to win this software to extend my hard disk service life and better security of my personal data and private content.

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Thanks a lot for the opportunity to win in this giveaway, @tarekma7 and O&O Team! Thumb

I'd like to win a lifetime license for O&O Defrag 23 because it continue to improve its defragment tools for HDD and even for SSD. There are a lot of great features not included in the one I'm using now and since it is also expiring soon, a good alternative like O&O would be great. Count me in please! Smile

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O&O Defrag Professional is a replacement for the standard Windows defragmenter,
which offers a very advanced set of functions.
I am a freak about Defragmentation. I watch constantly. Have you noticed after a Windows update how fragmented your drive is? 
This will help me in narrowing down what is fragmented, unlike windows built in, shows you nothing!

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Thank you for this giveaway. I’m very excited to participate in it.
The new O&O Defrag 23 has a variety of new features. The best I like is the improved support for SSD through SOLID defragmentation mode. Making the application SSD friendly is very important looking at the current demands for SSD. I need this license just for this feature.

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Giveaway ends. Winners will be announced soon

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  [Review/Giveaway] O&O Defrag 24: Optimize Hard Disks And SSDs tarekma7 26 11,628 12-02-2020 , 07:54 PM
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