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O&O Defrag 23: Increased PC speed and Optimize Hard Disks
A good tool to improve the PC performance, Need  to speed and Optimize my Hard Disk. many thanks.


I use older version and i hope to win this one, O&O Defrag is incredible tool to improve the PC performance, optimize disk space and extend disk life. Thanks for a great competition Smile
(10-11-2019 , 08:24 AM)snuf Wrote:

I use older version and i hope to win this one, O&O Defrag is incredible tool to improve the PC performance, 
optimize disk space and extend disk life. Thanks for a great competition Smile

Correct your link, you should share the link in social networks or on other forms, and paste it into your post here.
(10-11-2019 , 09:21 AM)Sasha Wrote:
(10-11-2019 , 08:24 AM)snuf Wrote:

I use older version and i hope to win this one, O&O Defrag is incredible tool to improve the PC performance, 
optimize disk space and extend disk life. Thanks for a great competition Smile

Correct your link, you should share the link in social networks or on other forms, and paste it into your post here.

It's done, thank you!
I want to win a license key because for me this program is one of the most effective disk defragmentation programs. It has several strong algorithms thanks to which even defragmentation of system files like "System Volume Information" (I have always big problems with defragmentation of this files even during offline defragmentation process) is possible during system operation works. Besides O&O Defrag Pro containing Cleaning module thanks to which we can clean up operation system from unnecessary files to not defragment them and the same waste the time.
I would like to win a license for O&O Defrag 23 Pro because it is widely considered as the best commercial defragmentation  software available. I have been using with great happiness many different versions of O&O Defrag Pro for the last 5+ years and this upgrade would be great to have.

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Thank you for this giveaway Tarekma7!!!    Thumb     Cool
thanks for this giveway is the best O&O Defrag
O&O Defrag - the best way to keep my computer healthy.
Thanks for this giveway.
Ever since I used the conventional Windows Defrag to optimize my System to keep it healthy and error free.
Why do I want to win a lifetime license for O&O Defrag vr.23?

Because I am always looking for a faster and better way to make my computer's system run/operate faster. ... And, I believe O&O Defrag vr.23 will achieve that. Smile

Some of the many features mentioned above that I like:
1. Faster system and program starts
2. Boot Time defragmentation
3. Prevents new fragmentation from occurring

My media share link for this contest.

*Many thanks to the O&O Team for sponsoring this contest and to forum administrator Tarekma7 for putting it together. Thumb

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