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‘I’m a Pedophile, Not A Molester,’ Says Masked Pedo in British Puff Piece Interview
#1      Occult & Globalists
‘I’m a Pedophile, Not A Molester,’ Says Masked Pedo in British Puff Piece Interview
by Jamie White
August 27th 2023, 1:23 pm
Creep in scary rat mask insists he's not coming for your children.    British media outlet Channel 4 interviewed a pedophile in an apparent attempt to destigmatize the disturbing deviance.

Channel 4 last Thursday interviewed a self-described “virtuous pedophile” who calls himself “Mouse”, presumably named after the creepy mouse mask he was wearing to conceal his identity during the interview.

“‘Mouse’ is a self-confessed ‘virtuous paedophile’, meaning he has a sexual attraction to children, but has made the conscious decision not to act on those feelings and abuse a child. Here, he faces some very difficult questions from members of the public,” Channel 4 states in its YouTube description.  “I’m a pedophile, but that doesn’t make me a molester,” Mouse said before admitting he volunteered for jobs where he worked around children.

“I suppose I’ve thought of the possibility” of abusing them, he said.      “I’m happy to accept the term ‘disorder’ as I am to ‘sexual orientation,'” he added.

The interviewers themselves seemed disturbed by and unsympathetic to Mouse’s dark desires, but the fact the outlet decided to provide a platform to a pedophile in itself raises eyebrows.

Despite the outlet’s attempt to downplay the pedophile’s desires by highlighting the fact he’s never acted on them, the comments on YouTube and X were rife with criticism and calls to keep pedophiles out of society regardless of their criminal history.

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