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Delete Facebook and you'll lose your Oculus Games - Any Button Gaming
[Image: oculus-quest-2-price-release-date-678x370.jpg]

Quote:With the recent release of the Oculus Quest 2, many users have been getting to grips with an experience, that some users say is on par with PC-VR. Oculus, who is owned by Social Network giant Facebook, has recently announced that new owners will have to connect to a Facebook account in order to use the device.
As expected this has not gone down well with the gaming community, as some users, who have a disabled Facebook account or no account at all, have reportedly lost access to their devices.
But wait there’s more!
Facebook has also said that current owners of an Oculus product will have until 2023 to link their account. If they delete or disable their account (to cut down on social media use or to go off-grid) they will lose access, purchases, credits, achievements, and any messages sent via Messenger.

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