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What Windows 10 Knows About You
[Image: obXzLJX.jpg]

What Windows 10 Knows About You

Windows 10 collects astonishing amounts of information about its users, with Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 to follow the trend with newly published Windows Updates. The following information is collected and transmitted to Microsoft:

Everything you type on the keyboard (effectively, Windows 10 comes with a built-in keylogger)
Wiretapping: Windows 10 can listen to your microphone and engage your webcam in background without you even knowing (no, this is not a hoax)
Logins and passwords to Web sites, social networks
Fragments of email messages, chats and text messages (including those you send and receive via crypto-messengers such as Telegram)
Your geolocation coordinates (GPS, AGPS or approximate IP-based coordinates)
Your complete Web browsing history
Your search queries
Wi-Fi access points and their passwords
List of installed applications
Information about your listening preferences including the names of music tracks you're listening
Call logs
Your calendar entries, events and meetings
Your address book
BitLocker escrow keys: if you encrypt your hard drive or eMMC memory with BitLocker, recovery keys are automatically uploaded to Microsoft OneDrive; Microsoft Privacy Policy allows the company disclosing those keys to government agencies by request
Future Windows 10 updates are rumoured to disable features if the system discovers what it considers to be 'incompatible' or 'unlicensed' software or hardware components


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